Big day

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After many months of preparation, today was the big day. Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook we're getting married. They were both so excited for their big day.
Jimin and Jin had been with Jungkook at Jin's house whilst Hoseok, Namjoon and Yoongi had been with Tae for the last couple of days at Hoseok's house. They were more excited on seeing each other again than the wedding!

Anyway Jungkook stirred from his sleep and slowly started to wake up. As he did a big stretch he whacked Jimin on the face.
'What the hell is he doing there... oh wait..'
"WAIT IM GETTING MARRIED TODAY!" Jungkook screamed making Jin and Jimin both fly out of bed in a flash.

"What's the time?" Jimin asked.
"11am, shit we only have 3 hours!" Jin yelled.
"3 HOURS, this is code red. Jungkook get your ass in the shower now!" Jimin demanded as he frantically got the three suits out whilst Jin was running around grabbing the make up supplies and hair things. Jungkook did as he was told and jumped into the shower.

He quickly cleaned himself, then his hair and dried himself before putting a robe on. He walked out and was met with Jin pushing him onto a seat.
"Now let's do your hair!" Jin squealed, whilst Jimin was taking a shower himself.
Firstly Jin blow dried the younger's hair making it fully dry. He then placed some heat resistance gel in the younger's hair so it wouldn't kill the hair with the amount of heat they were using on it. He then started to get a curling iron and made light waves in his hair. After finishing that he ruffled all the knots out and it was done.

Jungkook looked at himself in the mirror.
"It looks amazing, thank you!" Jungkook beamed. He started to become so excited that his bunny ears popped out.
"Now that is cuteness overload" Jin cooed as he looked at the younger.
Jungkook then moved off the chair and Jin quickly blow dried Jimin's hair and then quickly straightened it.
"Thanks hyung, it looks perfect!"

"Okay now you do kook's make up as I have a shower" the elder rushed to the bathroom.
Jimin started applying Jungkook's make up.
"Ahah that tickles!" The younger bursts into giggles as the make up brush goes over his cheek.
"Stop moving" Jimin huffed.

Soon later he had finished the younger's make up.
"Wow, it's amazing thank you Jiminie!" Jungkook squealed.
Like the Doctor said the burn marks still hadn't gone but he didn't mind anymore.
Jin then got out of the shower and did his hair whilst Jimin quickly did his and Jin's make up.

"1 hour left!" Jin called.

It was like the game beat the clock.
They all carefully got into their suits and did some finishing touches.
"Finished with 10 minutes to spare!" Jimin pretended to wipe sweat off his forehead.
Jungkook looked at himself in the mirror.
He was wearing the traditional black suit with a white shirt and a black tie.
"You did it kookie!" Jungkook smiled at himself.
"Right let's go kook, it time to go to the destination." Jin smiled.
They all filed out and got into their hired car.


Meanwhile at Hoseok's house the others were already up at 9am.
"I'm getting married today" Tae smiled.
"Yes you are, our little Tae is all grown up!" Namjoon fake cried.
"Right let's get ready!" Hoseok jumped up.

"Where's Yoongi?" Namjoon asked.
They looked around to see Yoongi laying on the floor fast asleep.
"Whose gonna wake him."
"Not me, I need to survive I'm getting married today!" Tae laughed as he ran to the bathroom to have a shower.

Namjoon and Hoseok ended up doing rock, paper, scissors. Namjoon won meaning Hoseok was left to wake him up.
"Imma just be mean" Hoseok got a bottle of water and strutted up to the boy. He was just about to tip the water on him until the person who was supposedly sleeping stood up.

"Don't you even dare try to put water on me to wake me up. I won't hurt you today as it's Tae's big day, but don't ever do it again!" Yoongi growled.
Time passed by and all 4 men were dressed and ready for the day ahead of them.

"Ready to rock and roll?" Yoongi called as they were slowly making their way to the door.
Tae took one last glance at himself and sighed happily. He was wearing a white suit, with a black shirt and a white tie. His hair was permed and he had a small bit of make up which Hoseok demanded that he had to wear.
"You did it Tae!" He showed himself his boxy smile and walked out of the door.


It was time.
The marriage was held on the peer as they didn't want to marry in the church. All the guests were seated. Tae was nervously standing at the top with Yoongi, Namjoon and Hoseok behind him, waiting for the younger's arrival.

Jin and Jimin were with Jungkook, close but out of sight.
"You ready kook!" Jin asked.
Jungkook took a deep breathe and smiled.
Jin quickly fixed Jungkook's oxygen tube and they were all set.

Jimin put his thumbs up so some near by who told the pianist to play.
The song Euphoria started playing.
Tae heard the song, it was Tae's and Jungkook's favourite song. He grew in anticipation as he waited to see his fiancé. Everyone arose from their seats as Jungkook elegantly walked down the pier.

The younger looked around and saw the woman and her husband in on of the aisles. She started waving causing Jungkook to smile back. As he walked closer his eyes locked with another's. Taehyung. They were both blown away by how amazing they both looked. A blush dusted across the younger's face seeing how the older's eyes were fixed on him.

They finally reached the end and Jungkook stood opposite Tae. They held hands and smiled at each other.
"We are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage between Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook."

The vicar waffled on until finally the important part was coming.
"Do you Kim Taehyung take thee Jeon Jungkook to be your wedded husband , to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part."
"I do" Tae smiled as Yoongi gave him the ring and he carefully placed it on the younger's finger.

"And do you Jeon Jungkook take thee Kim Taehyung to be your wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part."

"I do" Jungkook said with no hesitation. Jimin gave him the ring and Jungkook slid it onto the elders slender fingers.
"I happily pronounce you as husbands. You may kiss the groom." The vicar smiled.

Tae wraps his arms around the younger's waist and pulls him closer. They take a second before smashing their lips together and smiling as the pull away. Everyone began clapping for the newly weds. The rested their foreheads together.
"I love you Kim Taehyung!"
"I love you more Kim Jungkook!"

The end

That's a wrap kiddos, make sure you read the chapter after this 💘

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