Chapter 8

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Wow I was impressed. The way she slew them just by dancing and singing. She had dance and music combat.

"I'll go down and check. Everybody stay here." Sam said and ran out of the door.

"Wait." I shouted and ran after her not thinking about anything else but keeping her safe. Halfway through the hallway I caught up with her and grabbed her wrist to stop her from running.

"Wait. You can't go alone. Who knows how many people are down there?"

She freed her wrist. "That doesn't matter. I'm good in handling crowds."

I tried to reason with her. "What about your dad?"

"Well he will check the upper floors and I will check the other floors." She said and starting running. I sighed and ran after her, matching her speed with effort. Man she was a fast sprinter. Hmm. I liked strong chicks.

We reached the ground floor to see that they were already taken care of. I saw a big, bulky man stood there with a club in his hand.

"Paji what about others? Are there more?" Sam asked him, giving him a hug. Something pulled at my heart when I saw them hug. Man I hated this feeling.

"I don't know. I just saw them and a few more coming. I fought off as many as I could." He answered panting slightly.

Sam eyes lit up suddenly. "Security room. We can check the CCTV footage."

"Unless they already damaged the surveillance cameras." I pointed.

"It's still worth a shot." She said and ran down with me and that Paji behind her. She pressed the button of an elevator. It was a different one. The doors opened and we stepped in.

I saw that there was only a red button. She pressed it and a scanning device appeared from the wall. She placed her thumb on it. After the scanning was complete the device went back into the wall. "Which floor would you like to go Ms.Johnson?" A female voice called.

"To the security room please and hurry." She said. The elevator shot upwards at a speed faster than the one I had been in. It stopped after a few seconds.

"We have reached. Have a pleasant day." The voice called again and the doors opened revealing the security. We stepped out and the doors of the elevator closed.

The screens in front of us showed that everything was normal. Two guards stood up greeting Sam. She nodded and scanned the cameras.

"Did you spot any suspicious looking people on the camera?" I asked turning towards the guards.

They frowned. "I remember someone coming in here and then everything is blank." One of them answered.

"I don't see anything except for dead people lying on the ground floor and in my father's office." Sam said looking at me.

"What could this mean?" Paji said.

My eyes widened. "Distraction. It was a distraction."

Sam's eyes widened too. "We have to check Azim Hamla's prison." She said and pressed the elevator button. The doors opened and Sam repeated the same procedure. "Paji inform baba." Sam said as the doors of the elevator closed.

"Which floor would you like to go Ms.Johnson? The voice called again.

"To the prison room please." Sam said. The elevator shot downwards and stopped after a moment.

"We have reached. Have a pleasant day." The voice called again and the doors slid open.

The hallway was long which was poorly lot. Sam led the way. I found only a few sealed doors with keypads beside them. After a long time we reached the end the of the hallway.

The door was just like the one we had in the Organisation. Sam typed in a code and the doors slid open. Then another sat of doors slid open and another door rose up to reveal a spacious room which had another small room with a glass door. Two guards stood at attention.

Sam smiled at them but they didn't bugde. That was rude. How can someone turn down a smile as sweet as her.

Inside the glass room Azim sat on a chair with his hands and legs bound with strong chains. He smirked as we stood in front of him. His head was bald but he looked cunning and he had a good teeth. He was dressed in rags and looked shabby.

"Well well well if it isn't my favourite spy. Did you like the show?" He mocked Sam. I felt like beating that guy to death.

She clenched her jaw. "What did you have to do with it?"

He smirked. "Didn't you already figure it out yet?"

"I don't know what games you're playing but I'll have you know that you're not gonna get away with it." Sam said, her voice sounding louder than usual. I placed my arm on her shoulder to comfort her.

I turned to look at him. "But why are they coming for you now? You've been here for over a hundred years. Where were your loyal servants in all these years?" I said my voice drpopping with poison.

"Patience my friend. It takes patience. Once I'm out I'll remember to kill your girlfriend just like I had killed her mom."

Hey guys. Sorry for the cliffhanger.
I hope you guys enjoyed it.
Pls let me know in the comments of you want anyone else's POV.

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