Chapter 18

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We spent the next week sparring and just cuddling with each other. It was the sweetest week. Things did get intimate between us but my brothers very kindly interrupted us.

Yeah there was the thing about Hamla. But he hadn't done anything yet and we didn't let that get in the way of us being happy. Sid and Ashley McCarten were still deciding about the whole Hamla thing.


I was jogging happily with my earphones on and humming to my favourite song. I stopped to get a coke and drank it, standing on the side of the footpath. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around to see Ash standing behind me. He looked great. He wore a plain gray t-shirt which exposed his well-built arms and a pair of dark blue jeans. But the expression on his face was unreadable.

"Hey is everything okay?"

"We need to talk. In private." He added looking around to make sure that no one was was spying on us. People just walked by, completely igoing us.

"Okay, what is it?" I asked, sipping my drink.


I nodded. "Yeah."

"Let's break up." I froze for a moment. Wait, did I hear right?

I laughed thinking that it was a joke. "You're kidding right? Ok seriously tell me what do you wanna talk about?"

"I'm serious. It isn't working. You mean nothing."

Ouch. That was like someone stabbed my heart. "Nothing? What happened to 'I love you' or 'I'll never leave you'? I said air quoting.

He snorted. "And you actually believed that? Oh god. You're a spy and yet so naive. It didn't mean anything to me. You were just my timepass."

"Oh so breaking girls' hearts is your timepass?" I said. Tears were threatening to spill but I held them back. It hurt a lot.

"Yeah. I was getting bored and you were nothing more than a toy. Now I'm bored with you so let's break up." He said and walked away leaving me standing there. I clenched my fists. That bloody rascal. How dare he do that? Time pass? Toy? I meant nothing? He used me and I let him. Oh god. I was so mad. But I was mad at myself. I let him use me and I believed in his lies. He really is a good spy. He should get an Oscar for acting. Even I'm not as good as him.

In the middle of the road my wings unconsciously sprouted from my back. I extended them and took off. The blowing wind carried away my tears. All I wanted to do now was lock myself up and cry my heart out.

I landed in front of my house. I found dad sitting on the porch in his rocking chair. His face was pale and worn. His hair was combed and he wore a white t-shirt and pyjamas. He tried to get up but I stopped him. "Dad, what are you doing here?" I asked climbing the stairs and went to him. "You should be resting. You're not well." I added trying to help him up but he held up his hand. I stopped and he settled himself in his chair with a groan. He tapped on the chair beside his. I sat down, confused.

His face was dead serious. His blue eyes set and determined. "We need to talk."


When I saw her reaction I felt like gathering her in my arms and holding her close to me. God. This was so hard. Her expression kept popping in my mind. I clenched my fists and shook my head as if to shake off the pictures of her becoming sad. I heard a whooshing sound and I looked up to see that Sam had took off into the sky. Her wings completely matched the sky and some thing pulled at my heart.

I composed myself and hastened my pace. I turned around the corner and walked into the alleyway. When I reached the dead end, I looked behind me to check that I wasn't being followed.

I pushed a brick in the middle of tge wall and a doorway opened. I checked behind me once more and entered, the door closing behind me. I walked down the dark hallway with torches lighting up one after the other.

After walking for what seemed like forever I reached a door flanked by two guards on each side. Both of them were big and bulky with blood-red eyes and jet black hair. I stopped in front of them. "Arms up." One of them ordered. I put my arms up and they patted me down. After the pat down was over they knocked on the door. After two seconds they opened the door and I stepped in.

The room was poorly lit and dingy. There was desk in the middle with a glass sheet on top. I could see the back of a revolving chair behind the desk  with his head visible from top of the back rest. His hands rested on the hand rests on either sides of the chair, his fingers tapping it lightly. I could see the gold rings he wore on each of his fingers. He was flanked by two other big and bulky guards on either sides of his chair with their big arms crossed.

"Is the work done?" He asked without turning.

"Yes I made her hate me. I also made sure that I wasn't followed." I said, my face emotionless.

"Good. Very good. Mmm. You can go now." He said resting his elbow on the hand rest and flicked his fingers, shooing me away.

"Picture abhi baaki hain mere dost." He smirked and turned around, giving me a wicked smile.

Hey guys. Sorry for tge long chapter. I hope you liked the chapter.  The above translation is 'the big thing is yet to happen.' Please make me happy by voting. Please share and comment. The next chapter is going to be from Sid' s point of view. Toodles.

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