Chapter 19

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I sat in dad's office with Sam standing beside me. Her mouth was drawn in a thin line and she had a distant look in her eyes. Something must've happened but I didn't push her. I knew if she wanted to share it she would share it.

"Are you okay?" I asked, craning my neck to look at her but she stared at the window.

"Dad told me about my angelic powers and that I inherited it from mom. Apparently it's a girl thing." She answered with out looking at me.

"And?" I prompted. There was more. I was sure of it.

"And Ash broke up with me." She didn't say anything else so I didn't push it. I just stood up and gave her a quick hug. There was a knock on the door. I composed myself and sat down.

"Come in." I said, straightening my blazer.

The door opened revealing a pretty vampire. She had black hair which was loose on her shoulders and her eyes were golden. She smiled at me and her mouth was moving but I couldn't hear what she was saying. Her eyes were so captivating. She was wearing a black top revealing her veiny arms and black skinny jeans with black converse.

"Sid she asked your name." Sam whispered nudging me.

"What? Sorry. Hi. I'm Siddharth. Please call me Sid." I said extending my hand and shaking hers. I felt electricity rush through my veins. But this was a different kind of electricity. Sam cleared her throat behind us. I drew my hand away.

"Please have a seat." I said sitting down. She smiled and sat down, intertwining her fingers on my desk.

"I hope you know why I'm here."


"Good. Then did you read my email?"

"Pardon? Your what?"

"Yes we did." Sam said quickly. "I think he didn't hear you. Even he has a similar idea of pairing up two agents." She gave me a I'm-going-to-kill-you look and smiled sweetly at Ashley.

"Not just any agents. The very best agents. Agents who are skilled and very good at combat." She said looking from Sam to me.

"You know Sam right here is our best agent."

"Really? Well that's good then because I have made my decision. Asher James. He is our best agent." She said smiling.

I looked at Sam worriedly and then back at Ashley. "Well I think...." I started.

"I accept it. I'm okay with pairing up with him." Sam said cutting me off, her face devoid of expression.

Ashley smiled at and looked expectantly at me. "If she's okay with it then I have no objection." I said.

She smiled. "Great then. I'll send you an e-mail regarding other details as soon as possible."

"Actually even Sid can do that. Since he was kept in our prison and I have a personal grudge against him we will be able to handle it. He'll let you know through email." Sam said smiling sweetly.

She looked a little taken aback but smiled. "Sure. I have no problem. It'll be less trouble for me." She said and stood up. I stood up and we shook hands. She shook hands with Sam too. She didn't seem to mind Sam's words. I could read people well and something told me that she didn't hate Sam.

"It was nice meeting you. I'll take my leave."

"Have a safe trip." I said. She smiled and walked out, closing the door gently behind her.

I turned to Sam. "Sis are you sure you will be able to go on a mission with him?"

"Yes. We just have to keep our personal issues aside and act like professionals. I can do that."

"But what about you? Won't it make you uncomfortable or hurt you seeing him this close but you can't do anything?"

"It doesn't matter as long as our goal is the same."

"But it matters to me. He can hurt you not physically but emotionally. You are already hurt. I can't see you get hurt anymore. You're my sister."

Her eyes softened. I hugged her tightly. We were always close since childhood. I used to get picked on a lot when we were kids and she always helped me. So I never acted like an overprotective brother like others. I knew she could take care of herself.

But now I was so damn angry at Ash for hurting her like this. I wanted to kill that guy with my bare hands. See this was what always happened. If any one of our family members were hurt I would get mad. It happened to all of us.

I released her and she looked at me with a serious look on her face. "I'll be fine. Besides ma and baba have always taught us. Watan ke aage kuch nahi. Not even yourself. Send the email to me and then to Ashley. I'll let you know if there are changes to make." She added and pressed the elevator button. The elevator opened and she stepped in. The doors closed.

I slumped down in my chair and rubbed my forehead with my index finger. She needed space right now.

I switched on the computer and started preparing the details of the mission. But my mind kept wondering to Sam. I was worried about her.

Hey guys. I know this is not that interesting chapter but I promise the next one will be better. I'm confused should I write the next chapter in Sam's pov or Ash's pov. Please comment below and let me know what you guys think.

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