Chapter 9

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I clenched my fists. That bastard! I knew he had killed my mother but I didn't want anyone to remind me that. If there wasn't a glass wall separating us I would've ripped off his head with my bare hands. Ash took my hand and led me out of the room.

Inside the elevator I blinked back tears. Ash seemed to notice that and wrapped his arms around me, gently stroking my hair. That was it for me. I cried into his shoulder not being able to hold back my tears.

I pulled away after a while and straightened myself. Ash wiped away my tears and put his palm on my cheek. I tilted my head a little to his touch involuntarily. Oh my god. What was happening to me?

"You wanna talk about it?" Ash whispered.

I took a deep breath. "Well my mom and my dad had gone on a mission to capture Azim. I was only sixteen and very curious. My brothers were assigned to take care of me but I somehow managed to escape and reached this hideout of Hamla. It was a cave. Inside I saw that my parents were being tortured. I couldn't bear it. I was so angry and I don't know what took over me. The next thing I knew was that all the guards were lying on the floor. Hamla charged at me with a sword but my mother came in between and he killed her."

"I want you to know that I know how you feel. You're not the only one who has got their loved ones killed by Hamla. It's only fair that I tell you about my past." Ash said, his eyes intense and removed his from my cheek.

"My mother wasn't a spy so I couldn't tell her anything about my missions. I had this really long mission in Turkey so I told her I was going on a business trip. After I came back I saw a note on the door with just one word written on it, 'Goodbye'. I didn't understand at first. I still remember seeing my mother's dead body and 'Love Hamla' was written on the wall with blood." His breath hitched a little but he covered it up with a cough. I tentatively put my arms around him, bringing him in my embrace. He stiffened for a moment , but relaxed quickly and hugged me back, burying his face in the nape of my neck.

"What about your dad?" I asked quietly, still hugging him.

He pulled his back to look at me. My heart starting beating so fast that I was almost afraid that he could hear it. His eyes were sad. "He left us when I was five. Never saw him since then."

I placed my palm on his cheek and tilted his head slightly to my touch. "I'm sorry." I whispered. He smiled and hugged me again. This time my arms went around him automatically. I stroked his back as he sniffed.

"Hey it's okay to let it out. I won't judge you. Crying doesn't make you weak. If you don't let it out its going to weigh you down." I said and he broke down. He cried silently into my shoulder. He pulled away quickly after a moment and wiped his years away.

"So what do we do about Hamla?" He asked trying to change the topic.

I sighed. "I don't know. I guess we have to find out his intention and stop his followers before it gets too late." My bracelet suddenly lit up. It was a message from dad. 'Come to interrogation room now.'

I realised that I hadn't pressed the red button. Embarrassed I pressed it and placed my thumb on the scanning device. Ash chuckled but said nothing. "Which floor would you like to go Ms.Johnson?" Called the female voice.

"To the interrogation room please." I answered.

Ash frowned. "Why interrogation room?"

"I don't know. My dad messaged me, telling me to come to the interrogation room." I answered checking my bracelet.

Inside the interrogation room I saw dad and the other person. Jared standing together in front of someone. As soon as he saw me he wrapped me in a bear hug.

"Don't do that again." Dad whispered releasing me. I sighed. Always so overprotective.

"So why did you call me to the interrogation room baba?" I asked. Dad stepped aside and I saw that one of the people who had attacked us was tied to the chair with several cuts running down  his arms and across his face.

I turned to dad. "Who is he?"

"Amit Sharma. One of Hamla's most loyal followers." Dad answered. He somehow looked familiar. I remembered seeing him somewhere. I looked closely at his face. The scar on his face wasn't new. I recognised the scar. It was a scar given by an air dagger. Then it suddenly hit me and I slapped him across his face. This did it. He snapped his eyes open and started to struggle against the bonds. I punched him.

Ash rested his hand in my shoulder. I took a deep breath and straightened up. "I'm sorry." I apologised. He dropped his hand to his side.

"Do you know him?" Dad asked putting his hands on my shoulder.

I shook my head. "No. I just remember that I saw him somewhere. Then I remembered seeing him beating up mom." I said quietly.

That Sharma laughed out loudly. I clenched my fists. I was about to, I don't know, like too him apart or something but Ash intervened by saying. "Hey Sam can you show me around? I think Jared and Mr.Johnson  can handle him. Come on." He said taking my hand and leading me towards the elevator. "I really wanna see what the inside of RAW looks like." He pressed the  button of the elevator.

"But.." I protested but his grip on my hand was firm. The elevator doors opened and we stepped in with me glancing over my shoulder. The doors closed and turned me to face him. He brought his face closer to mine so close that our lips touched.

Sorry for the cliffhanger.
Sorry for the long chapter.
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