Chapter 28

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Everyone was so silent that you could hear a pin drop. Sam hurriedly opened the body bag and everyone gasped dramatically. I had no clue what was going on. The dead man had a turban which was torn. His throat was bloody and torn. I had to stop the urge to gag.

I looked at Sam. Her face had gone white. She ran out of the room and disappeared behind a door behind the stairs. I didn't run after her. She needed her space right now. I turned to the others. "Who's he?"

"He was our receptionist and Sam's close friend. He always used to take care of her whenever we were on a mission. She really loved him. Now he's dead." Sid explained.

"So, um, where did she go?"

"Oh music room. Mom used to teach us how to sing and she was the only one who was interested. Angel blood, I guess. She always goes there when she's upset." That time, a soft piano music floated from the closed door.

It was good but sad. I wanted to go to her. She was playing the titanic theme song. God I wanted to go to her so badly. I debated with myself whether should I go in or not.

I shook my head and went to the music room, closing the door gently behind me. She didn't seem to notice me. I sat beside her as she continued playing the piano. Her shoulders were shaking slightly and silent tears were rolling down her eyes. I put my arm around her. No sooner had I put my arm around her shoulder, she stopped playing abruptly and buried her face in my shoulder. She sniffed a few times and pulled her head back, composing herself.

She forced a smile. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Now let's make a plan."

We all sat in a circle in the living room. Sammy had set up a screen there and turned off all the lights. He turned on the projector and directed it at the screen. He did something on his laptop and the floor plan of the airport appeared on the screen. "Now we need to increase the security at the entrances and exits." He said zooming in on all the entrances and exits of the airport. "Any suspicions, immediately report it and keep an close eye on them. We also need to increase security at the terminals be it domestic or international. The air force flight terminals have security of their own but we will still place at least two or three agents just to be sure."

"We also need to increase security at the private jet terminals." Sam intervened. "We also need to dress as civilians or undercover workers such as security workers, workers at the baggage counters, etc."

"Yes. But for now memorise the floor plan of airport, which shouldn't be a problem for Sam and Sid. You guys have, like, a photographic memory."

"Correction. Sid has photographic memory. My Angel blood enables me to memorise things well. Anyway back to the mission." Everyone chuckled. Sammy looked a little embarrassed. Sam seemed to be in a better mood.

We spent the next hour going over the details of the mission and memorising the entrances and exits of each floor. It was exhausting to memorise so many of them. I was glad when it was finally over. I was still suspicious. He wouldn't be this stupid. "I know what you're thinking." Sam said beside me. "But in my mom's diary, it was written that he had done this before. He loves to dare people. He thinks he is invincible, so that's why he does it."

"Well I just think its weird."

"I know. Even I thought so but then I read my mom's diary. Here." She said, handing me a black diary which looked as good as new. It had the initials S.D emboldened on the cover with big, bold letters.

"Sam, what do these initials stand for?"

"Its my mom's name. Sanjukta Das."


I opened the book but I didn't have the heart to read it now so I closed the book. "Hey, you okay?" I asked Sam.

"Yeah. I guess. I mean I have a gut feeling that he isn't the only one, if you know what I mean?"

I nodded. I knew exactly what she meant. If you try to kill an evil mastermind then you have to face collateral damage. No matter how much you try to stop or avoid it, you cannot escape. I would do anything to protect Sam and her family. I already let her go once. I wasn't going to let her go again. 

I put my finger under her chin and tilted her so that she was facing me. I kissed her softly. She kissed me back. I lingered there for a moment before pulling away momentarily. "I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too." She whispered back. She looked at my lips and then into my eyes. Her eyes were a swirl of colours. I guess I could never figure them out. Mr.Johnson had told me that Indians' eyes were very captivating and anyone could get lost in them easily. Now his statement was proven true. 

I gave her a soft, lingering kiss, letting her know that I wasn't going to leave for a long, long time.

 Hey guys. I'm sorry for writing short chapters but I promise I'll try to make the next chapters longer. Please don't forget to vote, comment and share. Until next time. Toodles.

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