Chapter 17

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Something squeezed at my heart when I saw the look on her face when she read that note. Her face had become pale and her knuckles had become white from clutching that paper tightly. I saw her run away. I wanted to follow but Sid stopped me. "She needs space right now." He said releasing my arm.

I breathed hard and looked at Sam who had by now opened the door of the infirmary and closed it. He was right. She needed space right now. But I felt sad. I didn't want to see her this way. "I know you want her to be happy but you have to give her space. She gets mad if someone follows her when she gets upset so it's best if we give her space." Sid said as if reading my mind.

I nodded. I wanted to rip Hamla off with my bare hands for making Sam sad like this.

Sid seemed to read my mind. "You're angry. I get it. You must love her that much huh?"

"Yes I love her a lot. I can't bear to see her like this. But I know you're right. Anywat have you seen Jared anywhere?"

He lowered his eyes. "Actually he turned out to be on Hamla's side. He was the one to attack on dad. He escaped before I could catch him. I'm sorry man." He said placing his hand in my shoulder.

I clenched my fists. No this couldn't be. He was loyal to USA. How could he betray his own country? I just couldn't believe it. He treated me like his son and he was the only one who supported me when my mother had died.

"Hey hey hey. It's okay. Don't be mad. I know its a lot to take in but our people too have betrayed us. I know how it feels." Sid said pating my back.


I ran. I ran as fast as I could. The pictures of Sam's face after she read that note and how she ran away came flooding in my mind. I shook my head as if to shake off those pictures. Then the thought of Jared betraying us came into my mind.

Ashley McCarten was now the director of the Organisation. She had contacted me and consoled me by telling me that it was a shock for them too. As if I already didn t know that.

Now, temporarily, Sid was chosen as the director of RAW. He said he'll meet with Ashley and think of measures. For the time being I was to remain in India until further instructions.

I stopped on the sidewa- no sorry, footpath to catch my breath. I'd been running for two hours. I looked up at the sky. The sky was still dark with patches of light here and there. I wondered what would be the colour of Sam's wings? It reminded me. I'll go to her house later and check on her.

I turned just in time to catch her by her waist before she fell on the ground. She straightened herself and removed her headphones, looping them around her neck. She was wearing a black sportswear tank top and neon coloured shorts with black and white strips on the side. She had side braided her long hair and the strip of blonde hair was clearly visible.

"Hey." She said.

"Hey. Are you okay now?"

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm sorry I acted like that."

"No no. It's fine. I'd probably act that way if I were you." I said taking a step closer and wrapped my arms her. She rested her head on my shoulder and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"I heard about Jared. I'm sorry." She mumbled into my shoulder and I stiffened a little. She tightened her arms around me. "If it helps I'm not sympathizing you. It feels worse when someone does that. I know how it feels. I have lost people and many have betrayed me. I'm here." She pulled her head back and smiled. It was hard not to reciprocate it.

"Thanks." I kissed her softly. She kissed me back, her lips soft and comforting against mine.

"Hey how about we practice together?" Sam asked.

"Okay." I said nodding.

We circled each other. She smiled as though she did this it all the time. She probably had. I attacked first but she dodged. I attacked again, slashing my sword at her but she moved out of my sword' s reach. She attacked but I parried it. She attacked again and I blocked it. I attacked her again but she parried it. This went on for sometime with us attacking and blocking each other's attacks. I tripped her and she fell on her back with me on top of her, my sword pointed towards her throat. At the same time she pointed hers at my heart.

"It's a tie." Sam breathed. I was breathing hard but she looked like she didn't even sweat a muscle.

I sat up, breathing hard and she hopped up putting her sword back in its place and took a couple knives. She looked so energetic. Before this we had a  running competition for another two hours and did push ups for another half hour. Then sword fighting without a break in between. Man how did she have so much of stamina?

She handed me two daggers. "Let's practice knife throwing. Come on. Move those feet." She said, her voice full of energy. I sighed and got up reluctantly.

"How are you so full of energy? It's like you don't wanna stop." I said and positioned myself with my feet apart. Sam's knife embedded itself in the bull's eye at the same time as my mine.

"That's because I don't want to." She said and pulled her knife angrily and threw it again, harder than before. "Because if I do,"  she continued while pulling at her knife "then the thoughts of dad hurt and Hamla's note will come. Running. To. Me." She said finally pulling her knife out.

She positioned herself again but this time I stopped her. She parted her lips in surprise. Before she could protest, I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer, resting my chin on her head. She dropped her knife to the floor and buried her face in my chest, her arms wrapped around my waist tightly. We stayed like this for a while.

Hey guys. Sorry for the long chapter. Sorry if there are any mistakes. Please vote, share and comment.

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