Chapter 23

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I bent my head down so that our foreheads were touching. "I'm glad you're fat. Because now you can wear my mom's clothes."

She snapped her head back. "Did you just call me fat?"

"Well yeah. Don't you have a mirror in your house?" I teased.

She nodded and grabbed a pillow from the bed. She hit me with it. "Oww." I said. It didn t really hurt but I was surprised.

"Yeah well that's what you get for calling me fat." She said and started hitting me, laughing at me.

I grabbed a pillow and started a counter attack. She backed away towards the bed. She hit her leg and fell on the bed. In a blink of an eye I was on top of her hitting her with my pillow. She shielded her face by putting her arms over her head.

As I raised my hands to hit her she grabbed my hands and pulled me closer. She rolled over me, such that she was straddling my knees.  She snatched the pillow from my hand and threw it away. She looked angry but then she bursted into a fit of laughter. I joined her in laughter, holding her waist to support her.

I watched her sleep. It was dark but I could make out her features. The strip of her blonde hair seemed to glow faintly in the dark. She looked so cute and vulnerable. I wanted to hold her in my arms and not let go. But I know I didn't deserve. Not after what I did.

The doorbell rang, shaking me from my thoughts. It seemed to wake Sam up. I groaned internally. I wanted her to remain asleep so that I could watch her sleep. I frowned. Who would it be?

Sam opened her mouth to say something but I pressed my index finger on her lips. I shook my head. She took the hint and remained silent.

I quietly opened my bedside drawer and took out my gun. I turned to Sam to see that she already had a bow and arrow ready. I slowly got up and crept downstairs with Sam behind me.

Sam and I flanked the sides of the door. "Who is it?" I asked into the intercom.

"Just open the damn door and give me back my sister you dumbass."

I looked at Sam. She seemed to recognise that voice. She mouthed the word Sid.He had somehow traced her. I had destroyed the bracelet. But maybe from two calls he managed to trace her. She held up her indicating that she wants to handle it. I nodded.

"Sid I'm right here. I'm fine. I asked you not to find me. Do you not trust me?"


"Look Sid it's our mission to capture Hamla. Not yours. So please leave it to us. We will capture him. Now leave. If we need any help we'll contact you."

"Wait. Then why did he kidnap you or dance with you at the party?"

"He was gaining Hamla's trust so that it would be easier to capture him. Now leave."

"Ok fine but atleast let me see you." She blew out her breath and looked at me. I nodded my towards the door, indicating that she should meet her brother. She sighed. "Fine. Open the door. You stay here." She whispered. I nodded and opened the door for her. She went out and I swiftly closed the door.

I waited near the door for fifteen minutes when, "Open the door Ash. It's me, Sam." Sam said into the intercom. I quickly opened the door and she stepped in. I closed the door and turned to face her.

"What were you guys exactly talking about?"

"Well I managed to convince him that we will handle it. But he gave us an ultimatum. We have to turn in Hamla Hands within a week to RAW."

"Wait he's your brother. Can't he give us more time?"

"He still doesn't trust you. His idea is that if we both can't catch him I'll realise that you are not trustworthy and I'll go back to him."

She must've seen my expression because closed the gap between us and hugged me. I buried my face in her hair and gripped her waist as if my life depended on it. "Hey it doesnt matter whether he trusts you or not. I do and that's enough." She said breaking the hug.

"I'm sorry. For everything." I whispered.

She smiled. "You're forgiven."

I grabbed her hips and lifted her up. She wrapped her long legs around my waist and rested her hands on my shoulder. I carried her upstairs and gently laid her on the bed. I climbed on top of, caging her between my arms. "Thank you. For trusting me." I whispered.

She smiled. "Your welcome." She whispered back.

So what do you guys think of this chapter? Do you guys want me to describe how they make love or directly skip to the next day's activities? Please let me know in the comment section below. Also don't forget to click on the star at the bottom of your screen. Until next time.

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