Chapter 25

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"I don't know where he is or what he is up to but I think I know someone who does."

The place was swarming with hot bodies writhing against each other. I had been to bars before but this was totally different. Ash said that Taryn Axton was the literally the google of underworld. She knew the locations and the information of every mafia gangs and criminals. She was a close friend of Hamla and might know his location. 

It wasn't hard to find her. She was sitting alone on a table with a drink in front of her. She had black hair and her eyes were red. A vampire. She was wearing a tight black crop top and black shorts. She didn't look up when I sat opposite to her. I had asked Ash to be on the lookout. Since she was a girl I wanted to interrogate her. "What might you be up to?" she asked without looking at me.

"I need information about Hamla's whereabouts." 

This time she finally looked at me. She studied me from top to bottom and her eyes looked directly into mine but I didn't back away. "Hmmm. I like girls who are strong. So I assume you are here to hook up with me. So lets get on with it."

I was disgusted. It would have been better if he had told me she was a lesbian. But I had an idea. "Yes sure. I think it would be better if we do it in private." I said in a flirty note and gave her my award-winning flirty smile which worked on every guy or in some cases women. She smiled and got up. I stood up and she took my hand. I threw a silent signal to Ash. He nodded. Taryn led me through a dimly lit hallway where people were literally giving each other blowjobs.

She took me to a room and locked the door. She slowly came towards me. "Do you want to play a game?" I asked.

Her face a little. "What game?"

"You have to guess what's on my mind. If you answer right then I'll remove one piece of clothing and if you guess wrong then you have to remove one piece of clothing."

She thought about it for a moment. "Okay. I'll guess first. Hmmm. You're thinking about kissing me."

"No. I'm thinking about making love to you. Now go on. Take off your top." She smirked and took it off. I quietly cut my finger. I pressed that finger at her throat before she noticed. She seemed a little surprised but screamed in pain.

I stood up. "Now Taryn. I didn't joke about wanting to know Hamla's whereabouts. Tell me where he is hiding now." I said and sweeped my injured finger across her back, leaving a line of red. She screamed. "You think I'll tell you."

"Well how can you say no to such a beautiful girl like me?" I pouted.

She growled and her eyes began to dilate. Her fangs were appearing. No I couldn't let her sink her teeth in my skin. She would die before I got the information. I took a vial of holy water from my pocket and threw the contents at her face. She screamed and covered her face. "Now if you want to keep other parts of your body intact then you better start talking."

"No!" she wailed. I knew her face was burned. Many people called me brutal because I didn't show mercy to my enemies irrespective of gender but I felt bad for her. It wasn't really her fault but still she was a part of underworld. I sighed and grabbed a fistful of her hair. I forced her to stand up and kicked her gut. She fell to the ground. I drew my sword and cut off half her hair. She had long hair so it was no problem. I cut a little more and took off her shoes. "I hope these are not your favourite shoes?" I mocked and cut them in half with a lazy slash of my sword.

"Ok stop. I'll tell you. He went back to his previous location.'

I froze and looked at her with narrowed eyes. "Wait that's ridiculous. He's not stupid enough to go back there."

"Well no one would bother to look for him there because of the reason you just you just said."

She was saying the truth. I knew it but I just couldn't believe my eyes. I knelt down and pointed the sword at her throat, poking her skin gently so she would know what was going on. She still covered her face with her hands. "If you tell this to anyone then I will skin you alive. Do you hear me!?"

She nodded frantically. "Swear it on Lucifer." This was a sacred swear for vampires. If they swear it on Lucifer then they cannot break the promise.

Her breath hitched. "I swear on Lucifer that I won't tell anyone about you or what you asked for or the fact that I told you about Hamla's whereabouts." It was good enough. I couldn't think of anything else. I got up and walked out of the room, slamming the door behind me.

Ash looked and looked at me from top to bottom. "Thank god. You're not hurt."

I smiled. "I'm fine. I got the information. Hamla is in the previous location where he was a hundred years ago."

"Wait what? He wouldn't be so stupid to go back there." 

"Well this is exactly why he went back." He still looked confused. I waited for him to get it.

His eyes widened in realization. "Oh.'

"Yes. Oh.

"It would have been good to tell me that she was a lesbian."

"Oh. I didn't know that. I thought she was bisexual."

"What--? Oh leave it. Who cares? All we need now is a plan."

We both were silent for a moment. "Any thoughts?" He asked me after a while.

"I think I might have one."  

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