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ESTELLA lifts her manicured hand up to knock on the glass door, automatically making her manager look up from her computer screen with a bright smile

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ESTELLA lifts her manicured hand up to knock on the glass door, automatically making her manager look up from her computer screen with a bright smile. She signals for her to come in, as she stands up and engulfs Estella in a massive hug. "You're very happy today Lesley. What's so important you made me come all the way from my house because you can't tell me on the phone?" Estella questions, pulling out of the hug before plopping herself down onto the leather seat opposite the desk.

"Well my darling, we've had an amazing deal set in place by a billionaire." Lesley exclaims with a big smile, placing her arms across each other onto the desk.

"I'm sorry Les, but if it's nothing to do with fashion or modelling then I'm not interested. I don't care about these billionaire's and their goals of using people with their money and their own personal gain." Estella firmly stands her ground for her career, crossing her leg over the other as she explains her answer.

"Estella dear, everyone knows you're the most famous model yes?" She waits for an answer, causing Estella to nod her head in agreement. "Well this billionaire is hoping to increase both of your publicity by paying you to become his fake girlfriend for the world to see. He's offering you 500k every month and the contract has to last atleast a year." Lesley explained everything so excitedly but Estella just sat there in shock, she wasn't expecting news like this at all. This was exactly what she didn't want.

"Lesley! What I can't do that! You know I don't even want to focus on boys right now. I don't care how much money he's paying me! I refuse to do it." Estella stands up, beginning to pace the room as she rubs her forehead. Contemplating on whether this situation was even real or not.

"I'm sorry but we've already accepted the deal! I'm so excited for you! For his side of the contract he's promised to pay you the money every month, get you extra photo shoots and fashion shows. And for your side of the contract all you need to do is take publicity photos with him to build up more hype for his new brand. Sound simple?" Lesley explained everything surrounding the deal, there was no backing out of this and Estella was furious that Lesley never even considered how she would feel about this.

"Lesley! I haven't had a break from modelling in 7 years, this was my time to relax from work and spend time with the people I love before I return back to my career! I just needed time to myself and you didn't even think to discuss with this me in the first place!" Estella was beyond annoyed, how could Lesley even put her in this position without thinking about how she would feel about it. This position was going to last a whole fucking year and she couldn't get out of it. She had no say.

"I'm sorry dear but we need this money. The agency is going very well as always right now but we thought that this would be a good opportunity to save up for the long run, of course you'll get 70% of each monthly earning but of course we do get a 30% cut. You know that."

"What if he's like fucking 75 and I have to pretend date him for a year!" Estella exclaimed, plonking herself down furiously onto the seat as she began to fiddle with the charm bracelet on her wrist to ease her nerves and anger.

"Estella darling, he's only 26 nothing to worry about. And might I add he's one of the most handsome men I've ever seen. You two will make a great fake couple." Lesley laughs, leaning back in her chair as she intertwines her fingers. Proud of what she's accomplished for herself and not in the best interest of her client.

Estella just sits there in silence, not having another word to say to her manager. Lesley was such a great manager and always took into consideration what Estella wanted but as soon as a large sum of money was involved, she would do absolutely anything. The sound of the phone then began ringing which causes the two to jump slightly "Right I need to take this, meeting is over. Meet me at the photo studio tomorrow morning at 10am sharp, we have your first shoot and then you'll be meeting Harry later on."

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