You want us to- What?!

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(A/N Heyo this is my first fanfic and I also got my idea from making Blueberry Scones myself and, me and my weeb brain, thought of Kageyama and a cute little story premise.)

For those new to x Reader's here's a simple Key for some terms. (Might add more as I continue writing)
(Y/N)- Your Name

(L/N)- Last Name

(H/C)- Hair Color

(H/L)- Hair Length

(E/C)- Eye Color

Italics -English

(One more thing, the reader is part English/British, hence the scones, and she can speak both Japanese and English. Her mother was a Baker and taught her daughter as well)


(Third Person Pov)

The rustling of trees echoed in the background as a small (H/C) girl scribbled in her notebook, half paying attention to the teacher. Her mind was miles away when the teacher called on her.

"(L/N), what is the answer to this equation on the board?" The voice of the stern teacher rang in her ear as she quickly got up and read the bored. Thank goodness it was something she studied last night as she quickly and quietly said the answer and sat back down, hoping to not be called on again.

It wasn't that she didn't know the answers, she just wanted to think about new recipes she could try out after school. See, her mom left her something very important in her care that she would treasure, her love of baking and sweets. Every day, (Y/N) would rush to pack her things and then skip off towards the cooking club, one of the smaller clubs at her school, Karasuno.

The day slowly went by as she got lost in her thoughts again, only to be interrupted by that sound she looked forward to every day, the bell. She got up quickly and packed her books and pencil pouch into her side bag and then headed for the door.

As she opened the door she heard loud and excited voices echo in the hallway from other students, but one was louder than the others. She turned her head towards the noise, along with a few other students, and notice a short orange-haired boy running off somewhere, yelling something about 'spiking'. She shrugged it off and headed in the opposite direction, towards her haven of ingredients and sweets.

A few minutes later she arrived at the clubroom door and just as she was about to open the door and greet her clubmates, she hears a yell from inside the usually quiet and serene clubroom. She hurriedly opens the door to see the vice-principal and the club leader, Haru.

"Let me ask again Vice-principal... You want the cooking club to supply sweets and snacks to multiple sports teams while they stay at the school to practice and play matches?" His voice shaking as he thought of the groups of hungry teens chasing his clubmates, trying to get food after working hard in a match.

The Vice-principal nodded and then looked over towards (Y/N) and waved and forced smile crossing his usually emotionless face. "Young lady do you think you could maybe convince your club leader here that he only needs to supply snacks to about three teams? With the size of the clubroom and the members, which if I remember correctly there are 4 of you, you could get all the cooking out of the way in a few days." He said trying to persuade the young (H/C) haired girl in front of him.

You heard a sigh come from Haru and you leaned to the side to look at him. He had a small smile on his face but his tired eyes showed that he couldn't exactly talk his way out of this. "Fine, we'll do it but we don't have enough supplies here and we need to know the number of players we have to feed."

"Wonderful! I'll go talk to the coach and get the number of players!" The Vice-principal scurried out of the room and headed down the hall. Haru shook his head and looked at you with pleading eyes that said 'go follow him please?' (Y/N) sighed and nodded leaving her bag inside the clubroom before jogging out the room to catch up to the overexcited adult.

(A/n I hope that wasn't too bad, kinda short and knowing myself they might get longer once Kageyama gets into the story. )
(Chapter edits made 7/20/2020, btw the manga ended today and now I gotta binge read it wallet's gonna hurt 😭)

Blueberry Scones (Kageyama Tobio x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora