He's Jealous!?

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(A/N: Yay! 100 reads! Thanks a lot!)

Oikawa who was determined to find out who his Kouhai likes, turned around, and surveyed the gym. Skipping over the managers for the team as he thought that there was no way Tobio could get them, his eyes landed on the giggling (H/C) haired girl. He had to admit, she was quite cute, but seeing as she was sitting next to another guy, he couldn't know for sure.

An idea popped into his head, and he knew what he had to do.


After a few practice matches, (Y/N) and Haru were told to start handing out the snacks to the boys, which they happily did so. (Y/N) was giving out some of the onigiris to the Aoba Johsai team when Oikawa caught her attention, by staring at her.

He winked and (Y/N) felt her face heat up at the small gesture from the pretty setter. She turned around quickly and took a deep breath. What she didn't know was that a blue-eyed setter was watching her interactions between her and the brunette. (Y/N) continued to pass out snacks to the teams but stopped when Kageyama grabbed her wrist.

"D-do you need something Kageyama?" Her face heated up again when she saw the expression Kageyama was giving her.

"Don't get too close to Oikawa, he's nothing but trouble." His eyes darted down towards the floor but (Y/N) could see a small tinge of blush on his face.

"R-right, don't worry Kageyama-kun, I'll be careful!" She smiled and, absentmindedly, patted his head. His face turned red and he looked away. His teammates who were sitting beside him started to laugh and snicker.

(Y/N) had walked away when Tsukishima spoke up, "So, the king has found someone to be his queen, eh?" His teasing tone made Kageyama turn even redder.

"N-no... I just don't know why I'm feeling like this."

Hinata spoke up, "Like what Kageyama?"

Kageyama opened his mouth to speak but noticed out of the corner of his eye, Oikawa and (Y/N). He stopped and got up quickly, walking with a glare over to the two.

-A few minutes before-

"Oikawa-san? Did you need something?" (Y/N) had her back to the wall with Oikawa leaning over her. His height gave him an advantage over the smaller girl.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me, once this whole training camp is over?" He gave her his signature smile and a wink, which made the (H/C) haired girl uncomfortable. She shook her head and politely declined his offer, using her hands to try and push his away from her.

"Oh come on, or is it that you already have someone? Or someone you're interested in?" His tone was teasing yet flirty, making (Y/N) become even more flustered. "If you do, I'm sure I could change your mind-"

"Leave her be, Oikawa." (Y/N) eyes darted to the right of her and saw the same beautiful blue ones she's come to enjoy. Kageyama was gripping Oikawa's jersey, a deadly glare on his face. The two setters stared each other done, till Oikawa let the small girl go.

"My, my, Tobio-chan is so protective of her. Could she be..." He trailed off and looked at Kageyama, a knowing smirk placed on his face.

"Oi! Shittykawa! We're taking the last practice match! Get over here!"

"You too King, maybe save the energy for the last match."

Oikawa gave one last wink to (Y/N) and walked away, towards his team. Kageyama looked over to her, and his glare disappeared, now replaced with a neutral face, at least he hoped. "Didn't I tell you to stay away from Oikawa?" His voice was stern but his face held concern in his eyes, "Are you okay at least? He didn't say anything weird, did he?"

(Y/N)'s face turned red, remembering how Oikawa mentioned how she might be interested in someone. "N-nope! He just asked me on a d-date.... after the camp..."  Kageyama froze. 

'What was he thinking? Of course, she'd go for Oikawa, he was well known and had girls at his feet everywhere.' But this train of thought didn't stop Kageyama from still feeling... something. 

"-ma? Kageyama? Hello?" Snapping out of his thoughts, Kageyama jumped slightly, causing the (H/C) haired girl to giggle. "Don't worry, I said no. I think I already have someone in mind..." Her face turned redder after she said that and started to stutter out an explanation. "W-WAIT! N-not like t-that! I-I mean... I-I don't know..." (Y/N) started to shuffle her feet until Kageyama chuckled.

"It's alright. I should get going now. ...Could you stay to watch our game...?" His question came out in a whisper as he shyly looked away, his hand rubbing his neck.

"O-of course! We still have somethings to hand out so we're staying till the end!" Her bright smile eased his nerves from the previous encounter, and he did something that he didn't realize he wanted to.

"Right, anyway, I really need to go now. Cheer for me- I mean us, okay?" Before he left, Kageyama patted her on the head, such a gentle gesture was uncharacteristic of the boy, but he just felt like it would help him somehow. (Y/N) blushed and smiled, nodding up at him.

"Of course! Good luck Kageyama-kun!"

(A/N: The next chapter is gonna longer since it's a match so that means it'll take longer for me to write, and with online starting up again soon, It's gonna be a while...)

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