It's not 'His Majesty'

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"(L/N)? Hello? Are you paying attention?"

Snapping out of her long train of thoughts, (Y/N) looked towards the voice calling for her, and saw Haru. He smiled and patted her head since she was shorter than him. "Are you ok? I said that the volleyball club would be a little late since they had to have a team meeting about something. Is there something wrong?"

Haru looked concerned for his dear club member and hoped she knew she could tell him anything. She was like a little sister to him, and he really did care for her as an older brother would.

"Um... if I tell you, promise not to tell anyone else!" (Y/N) said with an embarrassed tone to her voice. She couldn't look Haru in the eye as she started to explain. She first told him about what Hinata told her at lunch, and then what Tsukishima said when she ran into him.

"It's not that I dislike him because of what happened in the past, I'm just worried if I do something wrong, that he'll hate me? Does that even make sense?" She asked with a sad light to her usually bright eyes.

"Kind of... Does he treat you badly when you're alone with him?" Haru asked with a small smile. Shaking her head 'no', (Y/N) motioned for him to continue. "Then I don't think you have anything to worry about. Besides, didn't that happen in middle school? A person can change a lot from middle school until now." Haru's little speech made sense. Why was she worrying? He doesn't treat her badly, in fact, he seems sweet to her. He didn't have to help her go shopping, he didn't have to compliment her cooking, and he definitely didn't have to accept the wager she put up at the vending machine.

A knock at the door startled both Haru and (Y/N) as the door slide open to reveal the three helpers, Suga, Hinata, and finally Kageyama.

"Hello! Sorry about that, the team meeting was really important as they told us who's coming to the training camp." Sugawara, the ever polite person he is, apologized as all three of them stepped into the room.

Hinata had excited look on his face along with a bright smile, while Kageyama had an unusually scary-looking scowl. She felt a little scared, 'maybe Tsukishima told him that I asked about his past, maybe he didn't want me snooping!' (Y/N) internally panicked while looking at the pissed off raven-haired setter.

"W-well! We don't have much to make today! So if you guys want, you can all go home!" (Y/N) said with a small stutter, forcing a smile.

"Oh no, we can still help! But what are you making today?" Sugawara said for the group of boys.

"Umm, I'm making Blueberry Scones... think of it as an international treat from the cooking club! Besides I want to know all of your opinions on them since I need more taste testers." She started nervously but started to get more excited as she continued to explain.

"Sure! I'd be happy to help!" Hinata jumps in as Sugawara smile and nods. Kageyama stayed quiet, but when (Y/N) looked over to him he nodded. This brought a big smile to her face as she ran to the kitchen to start baking.

MIxing the batter and adding the blueberries, she scooped the batter onto pans with a baking sheet already placed on top. She sprinkled some sugar on top of the blobs of blueberry dough and stuck them in the oven. This only took about 20 minutes but she still needed to make other snacks and even prepare some of the meat they were going to cook on Friday.

About every ten minutes, (Y/N) would check the oven and once she noticed the scones were now golden and the smell of freshly baked blueberry scones filled the clubroom, she took out the hot tray, with a glove of course, and set it on a wooden cutting board.

"Are they done?? Can we try them?" Hinata asked excitedly and hovered over the tray of scones. Meanwhile (Y/N) was putting another bath or two of batter into the oven and didn't notice the orange-haired decoy asking questions.

"You have to let them cool, right (L/N)-san?" Sugawara said as he pulled back Hinata. (Y/N) nodded to Sugawara and smiled at Hinata.

"You can try them once they're cooled. Haru once you're done with the pork please refrigerate it and work on making the noodles." She addressed Hinata at first then continued to order around the boys. Hinata was told to follow a recipe and make a sauce, Sugawara was told to help out Haru which left Kageyama with (Y/N), to frost and bag the cooled scones.

Kageyama awkwardly stood next to the much shorter (H/C) haired girl while she explained what they needed to do. "Here, take a spoon and grab a scoop of frosting and just frost the top of the scone, and it's okay if it drips off. Just be careful since the frosting is a little warm." (Y/N) then continued to show Kageyama what to do, with him watching with a small hint of interest. 

After a while, both of them were working in silence, until (Y/N) decided to try and talk to the ravenette. "So, how'd you get into Volleyball, you take it pretty seriously..." She asked, putting another finished sconeon a rack set up in between the two teens.

"My grandfather, he first showed me how to play volleyball..." Kageyama answered quietly so that only she would hear. "He taught me so much, and we would watch matches together a lot. My older sister also would play volleyball with me when we were younger." (Y/N) smiled and nodded, now seeming to understand the raven-haired setter more.

"What about you? Getting into Baking and Cooking, I mean." His simple question brought memories back, her mother, having to leave her homeland, living with her grandparents.

"My mother owned a small bakery in London. We lived above it and my mother would always wake up early to start baking, making sure all the sweets, bread, everything was fresh." (Y/N) smiled to herself, "She made all different kinds of treats, and dishes. She was very fond of international dishes as well, mainly Traditional Japanese Dishes. She wrote down everything in her recipe book. With my father being Japanese, he helped her make new dishes too, even teaching me the language."

Kageyama nodded, now realizing that she did have a different accent he didn't register till now. It was almost cute, in a weird sort of way. 'What did I just think...? Cute...?' Kageyama stopped frosting for a moment, making (Y/N) turn to him with a confused face. "Sorry, just remembered something... keep going, why did you leave London?"

She smiles, and turns back, "My mother was sick, she's always had a weak immune system, so she sent me off to live with my dad's grandparents here in Miyagi. My dad goes off on business trips to much so he just couldn't leave me home alone, so we came here." Her smile faded soon after finishing, "My mother is still in the hospital back in London, and I haven't heard much from her in a few days...she could already be-" (Y/N) was cut off by Kageyama putting his hand to her mouth, quieting the (H/C) haired girl.

"Don't say that you don't know for sure. Don't declare defeat before it's happened."

(Heyo, sorry this took a while to get written, I go through phases of motivation. To combat that, I'm writing another story as well! I go back and forth so I don't get tired of one story and ditch it altogether. The other story is called 'Bloomed', it's an Oikawa x Reader story, where the reader is a member of the Gardening Club, which Oikawa takes the flower he gets from his fans too. Read it if you want to know more!)

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