Can... I get some help here??

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(Y/N) soon found out that the training camp was hosted on a Friday and went till Sunday, so the cooking club would have to take about three days to make all the snacks, buy ingredients, and get the supplies needed to cook their lunch. She was not looking forward to the hassle of trying to buy all those ingredients alone, 'maybe I should ask one of the guys?'

(Y/N) sighed and decided to ask them if they were free on Wednesday after school to help get ingredients.  It was lunchtime as (Y/N) was walking through the halls to try and find one of the three boys. Instead, she nearly bumped into Kageyama multiple times, but didn't ask him since all he would do is glare at her.

'Fine! The next time I bump into him before I find the other two, I'll ask him for help!' (Y/N) told herself in hopes that would get rid of the weird nerves she was feeling. Suddenly the bell rang to signal the end of lunch. Annoyed she couldn't find any of the three boys again, she trudged back to her classroom and say down with a small pout on her face.

The class quickly came and went without anything interesting happening and (Y/N) quickly packed and ran out to the cooking club. When she turned the corner to the hallway of the cooking club, she saw a tall figure waiting outside the door to the clubroom. The figure then turned to look at her, and the same blue eyes she got lost in when she first saw them, were staring back at her. 

"K-Kageyama?" (Y/N) stuttered out, feeling a tint of pink on her cheeks. "Is there something you need?" She quietly asked as she walked closer till she stood in front of him. He looked away, almost embarrassed, and mumbled something (Y/N) couldn't hear. "Sorry, what was that? I couldn't hear that ." She smiled softly and chuckled, trying to laugh away the awkward tension between them.

"What days am I going to be missing practice to help you?" He finally said loud enough for (Y/N) to hear. Her eyes widened, a little shocked that he waited here just to ask her that. 'Though I suppose that's reasonable since I didn't even tell them when I needed their help.' She mentally slapped herself at her miss-step. 

"Oh! Wednesday after school is when I hoped to start on prepping the club for the amount of food we're going to make, but before we can make anything, I still need to get the ingredients. Haru and I split the list so it won't be too much but it's still a lot for me to carry alone. I was actually hoping one of you guys could help me? " She hopefully asked looking up at Kageyama, his eyes wide at her question.

He soon returned to a neutral expression and nodded, taking his phone out to seemingly message someone. A few clicks later and he put it away. "I just told Coach that I'd be missing Wednesday practice this week. I'll be here after school to help with ingredients as well." He said and without skipping a beat, looked back over to (Y/N), and gave a small smile. "I'm going to head to practice, See ya Wednesday (Y/N)." 

With that said he walked down the hallway towards the gym, leaving (Y/N) as a blushing mess after seeing that small smile. In her blushing state, she mumbled something in English, "Holy shit that was adorable..." She felt slightly better knowing that Kageyama would be helping out, but she also felt a weird feather-like feeling in her gut. 

Two days had passed since (Y/N) saw Kageyama's small smile and it was now Wednesday, the day she and he would get about half of the ingredients needed.  She felt nervous as she stood outside the school gates, waiting for Kageyama. School had gotten out an hour ago and they both agreed to go home and change out of their uniforms, just because it would be more comfortable. She doesn't know why but she felt incredibly nervous and had weird butterflies in her stomach that she tried so hard to ignore. 

The sound of footsteps on concrete shook her out of her train of thought and looked up to see Kageyama, in his casual clothes. They were simple but complimented him quite well. A pair of simple black jeans, black shoes, a white t-shirt, and a light blue jacket to top it off. (A/N The picture basically lol) 'He looks really good in his casual- What's wrong with me! I can't seriously be thinking that angry blueberry looks good right now!' 

Kageyama stopped in front of the small girl and looked at what she wore, which was also quite simple. An (F/C) off the shoulder top, a pair of ripped black jeans, and a white jacket tied around her waist. She also had her (H/L) (pinned/tied) back with a cute blueberry pin in her hair. 

Kageyama looked away quickly and hid his face with his hand as he motioned for her to follow him. Both of them started to walk towards the nearest grocery store to the school. The walk there was awkward as (Y/N) contemplated what kind of sugar she needed to get. She would occasionally mumble and Kageyama would look over to her with a look of confusion, making her apologize and stop for a little bit.

They soon arrived at the store and this time (Y/N) lead both of them with a list in hand, ready to get what she needs. "First we need heavy cream, Vanilla extract, and some blueberries. That's for the first snack, and then we need a whole lot of rice and seaweed for the second planned snack." (Y/N) listed off as she grabbed what she needed and put into the cart that Kageyama was pushing.

Kageyama just watched her quickly grab what she needs, look back to the list, and grab another ingredient. It was calming watching her happily get what she needs. A question then popped into his mind when he thought back to what she said a minute ago. "You call it seaweed?" He quietly asked. This surprised the oblivious girl and she soon nodded, looking down at the pack of blueberries she was holding.

"Yeah, I grew up in England when I was much younger and well I guess some of the words kinda stuck." That explained a lot. She always had this unique accent to her Japanese and he felt dumb not realizing it might've been because she spoke another language as well.

"If you're from England then, could you make something from there?" Kageyama quietly asked, mentally yelling at himself for his weird wording. (Y/N) eyes lit up at the question and nodded a bright smile on her face.

"Of course! I was planning on making something anyways! I'm going to make my favorite, Blueberry Scones!" She giggled and Kageyama, once again, felt his heart skip a beat, and felt his face gain a tint of pink.

"Well then, since you promised you'd let me try the food, I want to be the first to try your Blueberry Scones..." He said looking to the side trying to hide his reddening face. (Y/N) giggled and nodded, a small smile on her face.

After about a half an hour of shopping, both teens were tired and had gotten all they needed. Walking back to the school was less awkward as Kageyama would ask questions about (Y/N)'s childhood and her passion for baking. He then realized how similar they were, they both had a passion for something and want to continue growing and evolving in it. (Y/N) wanted to open a small bakery somewhere in town, just like her mother had back in England. She really did look up to her mom, and it was quite cute.

"Right when I was about to leave to get on the plane for Japan, my mom gave me her handwritten cookbook, it had all the recipes that I enjoyed when I was younger and she told me to keep and always continue writing in it. I still do to this day and I bring it with me everywhere, just in case something inspires me!" (Y/N) explained as she walked through the doors of the school.

The two continued chatting happily as they walked through the quiet corridors. What they didn't realize was a small group of boys was following them. All of them were shocked at how Kageyama acted with (Y/N), he was quieter and didn't seem to get angry. He would even occasionally give a small smile.

(A/N The parts will most likely start to get longer as this goes on, since writing cute scenes are literally so much fun)

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