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(Third Person POV)

(Y/N) eventually caught up to the Vice-Principal, only after some slight trouble as she had to run through the halls to find him. She only found him when she saw him talking to an older blonde with piercings in front of one of the gyms.

She quickly walked up to the two and tapped on the Vice's shoulder. "Sir, have you asked him about the number of players we need to supply food with?" (Y/N) asked politely as well, she already interrupted their conversation so she tried to play it off by being polite.

"Oh right! We have 24 players in total but we also have their managers and coaches so that'd make it 30 people in total."

All the color drained from (Y/N)'s face as she thought about all the food she'd have to prepare to feed thirty people. She slowly nodded and started to turn around till she heard the blonde finally speak.

"Are you sure you want to put that much pressure on that cooking club? Didn't you say they only have about 4 members?" The (H/C) haired girl turned back around and looked at the coach with wide eyes.

"Well if you're so concerned about their numbers, maybe send them some of your players so that they get some help if they need." (Y/N)'s eyes widened and she started to shake her head no and say something when the coach nodded and walked back a few steps inside the gym. He looked back at you and motioned for her to follow him and, reluctantly, she did.

"Everyone! Line up! I got a job for some of you!" The blonde coach yelled, startling the young girl beside him. Suddenly a large group of teenage boys jogged up to the two of them. They were all incredibly tall, especially a salty looking blonde boy who seemed to be glaring at her. "As you all know we are hosting a Training Camp here in a week. And the Vice-Principal has brought up the idea that instead of spending money on packaged food, they'd task the Cooking Club to make lunch and snacks for you all and the players from the other schools."

The boys looked surprised, 'maybe it was their first time hearing it,' (Y/N) thought to herself as she scanned the group of boys, finding two, in particular, looking at her with red faces. She smiled shyly towards the two boys, one with a shaved head and another with a blonde streak in his spiky hair. They both turned even redder while (Y/N) laughed and turned her attention back to the rest of the boys and coach.

"But the only way we're getting the cooking club to make lunch for us is if we help them back, so we're going to be randomly picking three of you to go and help out at the cooking club when they need it." He looked over at (Y/N) and turned back to say one more thing. "Also this girl is part of the cooking club so you'll most likely be following her orders if you get picked to go help."

When he finished speaking, the rest of the boys looked to you with curiosity, until someone asked a question quite loudly.

"If we are picked, then do we have to help out during our training?" The voice came from the other side of (Y/N) as she turned to look who said that. A tall menacing-looking boy with black hair stood with his hand raised. His eyes were a deep blue and (Y/N) couldn't help but stare at them for a moment. He suddenly looked from the coach to (Y/N) and glared, which sent a shiver up her spine.

The coach sighed and nodded to the blue-eyed boy's question which made him glare even harder at (Y/N). She thought then was a good time to finally speak up.

"I'm sorry if we might have caused you trouble by asking for your help but if you really can't miss your practices then I'm sure we could get by!" She tried to sound optimistic but in her mind, she was yelling at herself and asking why she said that. Of course, she had to lie and say that they didn't need their help even when there were only four club members and they probably couldn't do it themselves.

"No way, there's only four of you in that club so I'm going to send you some reinforcement." Snapped the blonde coach as he ruffled her hair. She smiled softly and looked down as she quickly responded.

"Well then, to those who help out, thank you in advance!" She bows as she closes her eyes, embarrassed that she just got exposed for her lie by their coach.

The coach, who you soon learned was named Ukai, had her stay for a little bit to help him decide who should go with (Y/N). Unbeknownst to her, a pair of blue eyes kept darting over to her, curious as to who she'd pick.

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