Haru to the Rescue!

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The day went by quickly as you were kept busy by the teachers and coaches, helping fill up water bottles, and keeping the supply of food during meals sufficient. Haru tried to talk to you multiple times, or try and get you to take a break, but there was always something interrupting him. Whether it was someone asking for more food or someone needing help, you always rushed off to help. You weren't avoiding Haru, but something has been off with him, so you thought it was a good idea to give him some space.

The days passed by quickly with you avoiding Kageyama like the plague, feeling your face heat up anytime you met his cerulean eyes. He noticed and you felt awful anytime you saw how his face would slightly fall when you turned around and spoke to someone else. 'I'm sorry... it's just I don't know how to face you with everything that has happened...' You think to yourself, walking away with Haru.

Haru had noticed your denial in talking with the setter, and he sort of understood why, but he still wanted you to speak with Kageyama, at least not avoid him so he could go through with their plan.

It was the last day of the training camp, and you were slowly dreading whatever was coming. You got a weird feeling in your gut, and you didn't quite know if it was something good or something bad.

"(Y/N)? I've been meaning to ask you something..." You turned around and met with Haru's worried eyes. You tilt your head, and motion for him to continue. "Why are you avoiding Kageyama?" That simple question almost made you drop the spatula you were holding.

"H-Huh?! What d-do you mean? I haven't b-been avoiding... K-Kageyama..." Haru looked at you with an unamused expression.

"C'mon, I've known you long enough to know you're lying. Sure we might be a year or two apart, but we're still buds, right?" Haru smiled softly and patted your shoulder. He was always such a good sport whenever you tried to hide something from him, whether it was how you felt or if you did something wrong.

"I-I... just don't know how to face him... I mean, I've finally accepted these...feelings, I just don't know what to do now." You spoke quietly, finally speaking your mind. Haru sighed and pulled you close, giving you a big hug.

"It's normal to not know what to do in situations like this, I totally know how you feel!" Haru grinned, a cheeky smile on his face, "But that doesn't mean you can just ignore the poor boy." You nodded, feeling even worse for how you acted. "Hey, I'm not saying you're mean or anything, but he probably wants an answer as to why you acted like that. I recommend you talk to him later, once everyone clears out of the gym. You know, a little heart to heart?" You looked up at the taller brunette, a smile gracing your features at his encouraging talk.

You nod confidently and push Haru away a little, "Right, but before then, we need to finish this curry, or else the boys might start to eat the chairs.~" You giggle, turning back around to the piping hot curry simmering over the stove in your clubroom.Haru nodded and turned back to the cutting board he left, 'Step one accomplished. Now, it's up to Noya and Tanaka for the next part...'

The end of the last day came with everyone saying their goodbyes to the other teams. Oikawa had come to say goodbye, but Kageyama quickly intercepted and told him to buzz off. You just nervously laughed and said goodbye to Oikawa, giving Iwazumi a small wave as well. Over the camp, you had come to respect the third year Nekoma captain as well, since he had helped you from that creep on the second day. Kuroo stopped by with Kenma, the setter for Nekoma, and had said their farewells to you, Kageyama, and of course, Hinata, the only one Kenma was excited to see.

The sun had gone down, and you and Haru were helping clean up the gym with the Karasuno team. Haru had quickly finished his portion and skipped out of the gym, with a few others. The gym grew silent, with only the sound of squeaking shoes and whispers could be heard. Noya and Tanaka gave each other a look and started to round up the few people leftover, like Hinata and Yamaguchi.

"C'mon first years! Your senpai will treat you to some meat buns! Kageyama, (L/N)-chan! Lock up would ya?" Tanaka shouted, his voice echoing and startling you. Kageyama looked up from the volleyball trolley, and nodded, a red tint starting to cover his cheeks.

You look over to Kageyama and notice him staring. 'Maybe... I could talk to him now...it is the perfect time to so...it's now or never!'

(Sorry about no updates for a bit along with this short chapter, I haven't had time to write. Anyways, it's getting close to the end, so if you want, I could make bonus chapters that go into the future with you and Kageyama~ It's just an idea. Anyways, thanks for all the reads, votes, and comments, you guys are hilarious and amazing!)

-Word Count: 886-

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