First Day of Stress...

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Finally, it was Thursday, the first day of preparing for the training camp, and (Y/N) couldn't have chosen a better day to sleep in. She rushed to get her uniform on and still look presentable. Skipping out on breakfast, she quickly brushed her teeth and ran out the door. 

When she arrived at the school gates, she just barely had made it before the gates closed. She heard the bell ring, not making her officially late for class and she felt her spirits fall. 'This is the worst... starting off the day late when I still have to make a lot of food...' (Y/N) thought sadly to herself as she walked through the empty hallways towards her classroom. H

er teacher was outside, talking to someone on the phone. He noticed her and frowned, pulling the phone away from his after a quick word. "You're late (L/N), go to the office and get a late slip, or else you'll get detention." He sternly said as he turned around and continued talking on the phone. (Y/N) nodded and turned away, passing by the open second door to her classroom. Hinata noticed her and tried to catch her attention happily. He stopped when he noticed her sad eyes and frown, and instead started to feel very worried for his new friend.

After getting a scolding from the office lady, she got her late slip and return nearly fifth-teen minutes later. She quickly slid the doors open and walked over to her teacher, handing him the slip quietly with her head down. (Y/N) then walked over to her seat and sat down. Some students took notice of her late arrival, which was unusual, while others didn't notice or seem to care. Hinata, on the other hand, quietly walked over to her and sat down next to her, since they had free time to work on any unfinished assignments. 

"(L/N)-san? Are you okay? You look really sad..." Hinata asked worriedly, hoping the (H/C) haired girl would open up to him. She looked up at the ball of sunshine and nearly started crying then and there. He was so calm, and she wished she could be the same way. 

"No... I've just been having a really bad day," she quietly mumbled so that only he would hear her. "I woke up late this morning, making me run all the way here from my house, and then I had to walk all the way to the office when I had made it here a few minutes after the late bell, then I got scolded by the office lady and had to walk all the way back." Her rant ended and her eyes widened at how much she sounded like a spoiled child and how she told him all that. "I'm just so worried that I won't be able to live up Haru's, your teammate's, and the Vice-principal's expectations." 

It was true, she was worried she wouldn't be able to make all the food in time or that the players might not like what she made. Her mind raced with all the worries she had thought of last night when she got home from school.

"Hey! Don't talk like that! I think your food is amazing! I mean, I haven't tried any of it, but when I saw Kageyama this morning, he wouldn't stop talking about how amazing your cooking is!" This surprised her, Kageyama told Hinata that her cooking was amazing? (Y/N) felt her face heat up at that statement and looked back down towards her desk again. 

"Well, it's just nerves, hopefully, they'll go away when I'm actually cooking and baking." She mumbled, a small smile on her face. 

After all her classes had ended, she nervously went to the office to pick up the extra cooking supplies she'd need. A box filled with a rice cooker, cutting boards, and extra knives were in her hands as she walked through the hallways. Stopping in front of the cooking club she saw Suga, Hinata, and Kageyama, all waiting for her. (Y/N), stupidly, tried to wave but nearly dropped the box she was holding. Kageyama just in time though grabbed the box from her.

"Don't try and wave when you're holding something idiot..." He mumbled as he opened the door with his free hand. Suga and Hinata both said their greetings and started to chat with the small girl. Kageyama set the box on the counter and looked over to the table, and nodded towards Haru.

"(Y/N), thank goodness you're here! Now we can start!" Haru happily said as he pulled her in for a hug. Kageyama glared at the two, not liking the new feeling he felt. Haru pulled (Y/N) towards the kitchen and started talking about the various foods they could make. 

After a long debate and discussion on what should be prepared, everyone in the room had decided to make Onigiri, Rice Crackers, and, for a little bit of variety, Blueberry Scones, courtesy of (Y/N). Once all the ingredients were out and were ready to be used, (Y/N) walked over to her bag and pulled out something.

After a closer look, the three helpers realized it was a portable speaker. (Y/N) took her phone out as well and connected it. Haru chuckled, knowing where she was going with this. (Y/N) smiled and laughed at the club leader's reaction. Setting her phone down next to the speaker, a soft beat started to play through the small speaker. 

Kageyama didn't recognize the song until the lyrics started. He realized it was all in English, and looked over to (Y/N) in confusion. She just laughed and started to work, while dancing slowly to the beat.

(Btw, to me, I listened to ~sweater~ by lando! and thrifted youth by dalynn while writing this, so maybe try it too? idk your choice)

(Y/N) hummed along to the calming music as she washed rice through a strainer, and started to dance while putting the rice in the cookers. The entire time she had a soft smile on her face, she even started to sing along to some of the songs. 

Haru snapped the three out of their staring and started ordering them around the kitchen, whether it was to clean or grab something. The hours passed by as the five of them laughed and chatted while making some amazing food.

(Y/N) stepped back to look at all the food she made and jumped up in excitement, she was incredibly proud she could pull this off and would be forever thankful to Hinata, Haru, Suga, and Kageyama for all their help. She ran up the four boys and pulled them into a group hug, laughing while Hinata and Kageyama clashed heads. 

This one moment was something she wished would repeat for the next few days. 'The next few days... after those, I don't need to see them anymore.' (Y/N) remembered sadly but looked up to Kageyama waiting for her, a small smile on his face. 

She wasn't going to let this chance pass up, and was determined to make the most of her time with all of them.

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