Sweet Confessions

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"C'mon first years! Your senpai will treat you to some meat buns! Kageyama, (L/N)-chan! Lock up would ya?" Tanaka shouted, his voice echoing and startling you. Kageyama looked up from the volleyball trolley, and nodded, a red tint starting to cover his cheeks.

You look over to Kageyama and notice him staring. 'Maybe... I could talk to him now...it is the perfect time to so...it's now or never!'


'Well, this is awkward...' You thought to yourself as you and Kageyama sit outside, under the same tree you two fell asleep under. You looked up and nervously fidgeted with your hands. Kageyama hasn't said a word since he said he wanted to talk, and that defiantly made you nervous. 'Am I going to have to start this or-'

"I-I'm sorry, I'm p-probably taking up your time..." Kageyama mumbled, a red tint appearing on his face in the dark. His eyes seemed to shine even in the dark; you seemed to get lost in them. He looked over towards you and gave a small smile, the red increasing.

"I-I... I actually have something to tell you, Kageyama..." His eyes widened; he gave a nervous nod and motioned for you to continue. You looked up towards the stars, trying not to get distracted by how he looked in the moonlight. The stars quietly shined, you smiled, feeling serene outside and next to the setter.

He watched you quietly, waiting for your next words. "I was scared of you at first, you know? You kinda radiate this intense aura when you play..." Kageyama felt something in him deflate, and he looked down towards the grass. "But, when we started talking at the store and when you helped me bake, well, let's say something definitely changed." Hope rushed through Kageyama once again, and he turned back up to you. You gently place your soft hand next to his, slowly inching towards his.

"I... don't really know how to phrase this, I guess, but um..." 'C'mon! It's a perfect moment! Just spit it out!' "I-"

Kageyama shuts you up by placing his lips over your soft ones. You were startled but leaned into the kiss, feeling warm despite the cold. Kageyama soon broke the kiss, his face a blushing mess and stuttering. 'He seems more nervous than I am, but he just jumped in and kissed me... cute...'

"I-I... I'm s-sorry! I d-didn't mean t-too! I-It j-just felt l-like the right thing t-to do..." His stuttering just got worse until you cut him off with a quiet giggle. He looked down at you, his face still flushed. Your face was also pink, but the smile on your face seemed to awake even more butterflies in the setter's stomach.

"I... I like you too Kageyama,... you've become someone close to me in such a short time, it's kind of hard to believe..." You mumble, the smile still dancing on your lips. He stared down at you until it finally hit him. He had finally confessed, and you accepted! That's also when another thing hit him, 'I didn't even follow the plan!' His head fell, and you stared at him, confused.

"Kageyama? Did I say something weird?" You shyly ask, embarrassment slowly creeping up. His head shot up, and he shook his head, a panicked expression on his face.

"No! You're perfect!" He stopped, his face getting redder, and you just laughed; the embarrassment and awkward atmosphere were gone. He sighed and went on to continue talking through your laughing. "I had a whole plan on how to confess to you, but you kinda took the lead, and well... that's when I panicked and just... kissed you."

You looked up at the blue-eyed boy, his eyes shining under the moonlight. They looked so sincere and... bright. At first, you had thought he was just some jerk who would insult you, but you were definitely wrong. He was actually a caring guy that just has a hard exterior, a sort of way to protect himself.

You stop laughing and gingerly reach your hands out, wrapping them around his torso, and giving him a tight hug. "I promise, I'll never judge you again... I mean, you're so full of surprises, Kageyama!" You grin up at him; he feels his cheeks blush again.

He mumbles something, and you couldn't quite hear what it was. "What'd you say, Kageyama?"

"Tobio... just... call me Tobio..." You knew what it meant to call someone by their first name here, and he just told you to do it. Your face turns red for what seemed to be the fourth time that night.

"Okay... T-tobio..." He smiled and leaned into the hug you were still giving him, wrapping his arms around you protectively. You felt safe in his arms, and you hoped this moment would never end.


"Are you sure she'll like me (Y/N)...? What if I say something that'll make her get the wrong impression? You even said that I have a resting-bitch face!" You sigh and shake your head, your lips curved into a smile.

You and Kageyama had started going out on dates after that night under the tree. You both had told your friends that you guys were dating after about a week of going out. Kageyama had also proved himself to be a very attentive and sweet boyfriend, even though he doesn't look like it.

Haru also seemed to have approved of him quickly, which confused you. That's when it was revealed to you that Haru had known about his little crush on you ever since the first night of the Training camp. You were shocked then remembered what Haru had said when he helped you after waking up under the tree. You mentally cursed yourself since he was being so obvious.

"Don't worry, I'm sure she'll love you, just remember what I taught you, she doesn't know much Japanese... at least from what I was last told." You take Kageyama's hand in yours and give him a quick peck on the cheek for good luck. He smiled softly, something he does much more often now. You knock on the door and quietly spoke.

"Mom? It's me (Y/N). I brought someone today; I hope you don't mind..." You turn the knob to the door; opening it reveals a quaint little hospital room. There were flowers on a table nearby and the air smelled of vanilla rather than the usual disinfectant, Hospital smell. You slowly pulled back a curtain to reveal a middle-aged lady sitting up on her bed. She turns around and you both are greeted by warm (E/C) eyes. 'They shinned just like (Y/N)'s...' Kageyama thought; he looked down towards you and saw you smiling wide, a few tears threatening to escape.

"Mum... I'm sorry I haven't visited in so long..." The older lady shakes her head and opens her arms. You start to shake as you rush over to hug your mother. Your mom looks behind you and makes eye contact with Kageyama, he stands up straight and bows. Your mom smiles and lets you go. You sit down on her bed and motion for Kageyama to come closer, and he does.

"Mum, this is Kageyama Tobio... my boyfriend..." You smile and feel a blush saying that out loud.

Kageyama bows once again, and says in kind-of-broken English, "Nice to meet you." His nervousness was evident in his voice and his hands were sweaty.

Your mother just smiled and motioned him closer. He stepped closer only to be brought into a hug. She mumbled quietly, "Please, take care of my daughter. I hope the best for you both, she's told me so much about you..." Her Japanese wasn't the best, though you could tell she had studied and practiced. Kageyama nodded and smiled.

You stood off to the side, watching their interaction. You smiled and sighed, 'I'm glad everything turned out okay...' You walk up the two and grin, then engulf them in a big hug, thanking whatever god was there for placing you here so you could experience this moment.


(*Dies offstage* That... took way too long to write... I'm horrible at confessions, sorry.)

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