Author's Note/Update Schedule

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Heyo Readers!

I just wanted to pop in a say, in an actual Authors note and not a small sidenote at the end of a chapter, that this story's updates will take much longer, as I am prioritizing my other story Bloomed. I know this seems like a dumb thing to do but I assure you it's because I have that story much more planned out and I realized it's much shorter than Blueberry Scones.

Please don't hate me, I'll make sure you get to see the end of this story with Kageyama at your side!

Anyways, I just wanna say that a new chapter will also be up soon, whether in an hour or two or half an hour from when this update gets published. I wrote it in advance for when I finished Bloomed but I realized putting this story on Hiatus is kind of a dumb idea...

On an entirely separate note, did anyone see that Bakugo Figure that Funimation just released? I lowkey really want it but I also saw a more expensive but equally cool Todoroki figure that I'd love. I personally like Todoroki more than Bakugo but they're both so cool!

*Ahem* Thanks for listening to my weird rant, just know that Blueberry Scones will have longer chapters (Hopefully) but a longer wait time as I'm putting more time into Bloomed until it's finished.

That's all! Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk!


Blueberry Scones (Kageyama Tobio x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now