His Majesty...?

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(A/N Sorry, I disappeared for like a week, My motivation for writing is very weird and this chapter took longer than I thought it would.)

The sound of her alarm rang loud in the small and quiet bedroom, making the sleepy teenage girl slowly get out of bed. She walked up to the full-sized mirror in her room and yawn sleepily, taking note of her bedhead and her half-lidded eyes. After a little struggle with her uniform skirt, (Y/N) finally got her skirt on and with just enough time to get breakfast and walk to school.

With the stress from the first day finally over and with smooth sailings for the next few days, (Y/N) collapsed onto her bed when she arrived home, knocking out almost immediately. (Y/n) felt better after getting a lot of sleep and was thankful she didn't have homework that night.

The short walk to school passed by quickly as (Y/N) started to wake up when she passed by the calmly swaying trees. A smile passed onto her features as she thinks back on the past few days, and about all the fun she's had so far. 'Meeting the Volleyball team was... a new experience, and sure they might be kind of eccentric, but they're really fun to talk to.' At this point, she didn't know who she meant but a certain raven-haired setter came to mind as she kept on thinking.

In the distance, she could already hear the sound of other students talking and decided to try and get to class a little earlier than she normally would. Passing by the gates, changing into her indoor shoes, and making her way to her classroom didn't take long, and soon she was sat at her desk, writing in her mother's cookbook.

(Y/N) tends to either doodle in the corners of some of her favorite recipes or would write new ones of the various empty pages. She's come up with a few variations of some of her mom's old recipes but, it was hard trying to make up something completely new.

"What's that book (Y/N)-chan?" The ball of energy, Hinata, asked as he came walking in. Setting his bag down on his desk, he hopped over to (Y/N) with a big smile on his face.

"Oh, just my mom's old cookbook, she used to write down all of her recipes for her favorite dishes. She gave it to me right before I left for Japan." Hinata nodded and continued to ask questions. He was a little much but he was a fun person to be around for sure.

Soon class started and (Y/N) put the recipe book back into her bag and took out her notebooks for the lesson. Her mind kept wandering though as she thought back to what she still needs to make today and tomorrow.

The bell rang, signaling the start of lunch, and Hinata came quickly over to (Y/N)'s desk, asking if she wanted to have lunch with him. Nodding, they both went to a quiet spot close by a shady tree and vending machine.

They both started to eat their packed lunch with Hinata wanting to try (Y/N)'s since she made it herself. They both laughed at jokes made by Hinata and enjoyed the lunch cooked by (Y/N). They both enjoy the time they spend with each other and wanted to keep talking for a while.

Suddenly the topic of the conversation changed to Kageyama. Hinata started saying how he was quieter and didn't yell as much anymore. This confused (Y/N), she hasn't seen Kageyama yell, and wasn't he always quiet?

"What do you mean you've never seen Kageyama get mad? Also, wasn't he the one who helped you get ingredients for the snacks? I thought he would've yelled at you plenty by now, no offense!" Hinata quickly added after sharing his thoughts. "Maybe, he acts differently in front of you, I guess he acts less of a king to you."

"King?" (Y/N) asked with a look of confusion, Hinata nodded but before he could continue, the bell rung, signaling the end of lunch and they would have to talk about it later since Hinata wanted to go wash up before class.

That left (Y/N) to silently ponder what Hinata told her, 'Kageyama, a king? Always mad and yelling?' It kind of mad since when she watched their practice that one time, she noticed he always had a scowl on his face and looked about ready to yell. 'But he doesn't yell at me... maybe Hinata was right, that he's different to me... but why?'

The afternoon lessons passed by incredibly slowly as (Y/N) just wanted to leave and go to her safe haven, the cooking club room. Once class finally ended, she quickly packed her books away, and left quickly, not even looking to Hinata.

In her rush, she accidentally bumped into a taller person, getting knocked down in the process. "Hey watch where you're- wait arent, you that cooking club girl?" A monotone voice asked while a hand extended down towards (Y/N). Looking up, she saw a very tall, very intimidating male with glasses and blonde hair. "What got you so caught up in your thoughts that you ran into someone? You could've been at least a little more aware of your surroundings."

"You're... Tsukishima, right? Middle blocker on the Volleyball team right?" (Y/N) asked with determined eyes, 'He should know something about why Kageyama was called King by Hinata.'

"Yes? Do you need something from me, cause if so, make it quick." He mumbled with a frown settling on his face as he leaned on the wall next to him.

"Do you know why Hinata called Kageyama 'King'? And is he always yelling at everyone during practice?" (Y/N) asked quietly with some embarrassment clear in her voice.

"Of course he's a king, though not the good kind. You want to hear the story that comes with that nickname?" He teasingly asked looking down at the shorter girl, who in response nodded. He continued, "He was on the volleyball team for his middle school and in his last year, he became a dictator. His team gave him the nickname 'King of the Court' because he was a dictator that wanted everyone to do his bidding. He tossed insane sets and until Hinata came along, no one could hit them. The 'King' is still a king but something is definitely off with him."

After the explanation and that last remark about Kageyama, (Y/N) nodded and headed off towards the clubroom, still thinking about what Tsukishima told her. 

'He sounds like he's changed but how can I know for sure?'

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