Hello Miss... (+ Author's Note)

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"Just be yourself, don't be stiff, and laugh like you always do, that'll for sure hook him!" His simple words brought confidence back to (Y/N) as she hesitantly nodded and started to walk back to Kageyama.

'Just be yourself, that's easy right...? Oh who am I kidding, I don't know how to be 'me'...'


"Hey, sorry! We can go now..." (Y/N) chirped as she walked up next to Kageyama. He was stiff and seemed to be nervous, 'Aww, adorable...' "Kageyama? You okay?"

"Y-yes! I'm fine, just a bit tired from practice today..." His timid stutter gave him away as anything but sleepy. Sighing, (Y/N) shook her head. A small smile appeared on her face as she looked back up into his eyes.

"Then go get some sleep, you don't need to walk me to the front..."

"N-no! It's fine, I want to walk you..." A pink tint crossed his face, making (Y/N) let out a small giggle.

"Okay whatever you say, come on, my Grandma is a fast-paced person, so she'll be here before we know it." (Y/N) started to walk faster towards the front of the school. Noticing Kageyama lagging, she waited and grabbed his hand so they would move faster. Kageyama blushed at the contact and hid his face under his hand. Despite his demeanor, he didn't let go and intertwined their fingers.

While on their way there, Haru ran past them, with his bag in hand. On his way back, he whispered to (Y/N) 'Good luck, go get him!' and ran off with a knowing smirk on his face.

Kageyama didn't hear the exchange but he saw how much she blushed by what Haru said.

Soon enough, they arrived at the front of the school, since it wasn't a long walk at all. (Y/N) awkwardly let his hand go and kept walking towards the front of the gate. Kageyama followed slowly behind and stood next to her, giving her a sense of security in the dark school building.

"Hey, does your grandma only speak English?" His abrupt question confused (Y/N), only then registering what he said a moment later.

Nodding she spoke, "Yes and no, Grandpa is more fluent in Japanese than her, but she can still say the basics... I think..." A small smile was left on her lips as she thought about her family. Her smile warmed Kageyama's heart as he got a sudden urge to protect this small girl. She wasn't the smallest but compared to him, she was short. "Why'd you ask though?"

"Oh, I might've overheard you talking in English to her, so I assumed she was either more fluent in English than Japanese or she didn't speak it at all" After explaining his quite simple deduction, she nodded in understanding and looked forward again.

A comfortable silence engulfed the two teens as they stood next to each other. It was an unusually chilly and breezy night as well, which left (Y/N) to shiver in her uniform. The boy noticed and took off his volleyball jacket and draped it over her shoulders. The large jacket brought with it a comforting warmth and... 'It smells like him...! It's... kinda nice... god, that sounds creepy...' Her mental freakout session was interrupted by Kageyama himself.

"Take it, if you're cold you should say something. Wouldn't want you getting sick now..." An embarrassed excuse later and (Y/N) was giggling.

"Thank you, Kageyama-kun." She slid her arms through the large sleeves and she felt much warmer. Looking down, Kageyama nearly had a heart attack by how cute she looked in his jacket. 'Stay calm, it's no big deal... god I can't look at her the same ever since dinner...'

His staring was cut short when (Y/N)'s face turned upwards towards his, he felt his cheeks flush and he looked away, hiding his blushing face with his hand. "What? Is there something on my face-" (Y/N) was cut off when the sound of old tires hitting the ground echoed in the courtyard

(Y/N) looked around and smiled, an old light blue car was slowly driving up the hill and soon it stopped right in front of the two teens. "Thank you again gran for doing this..." Her English accent was British as she spoke to an older woman with graying hair in the driver seat of the car. The older woman just chuckled and unlocked the door.

That was when she noticed Kageyama standing next to (Y/N). She looked him up and down and laughed. She then whispered something in English to (Y/N), making her blush and repeat the same word over and over, again all in English. 'Maybe I should say something...'

"Hello Miss, my name is Kageyama Tobio, a pleasure to meet you..." (Y/N) looked over and sighed a breath of relief.

"Right, Grandma, this is Kageyama-kun. He's one of the boys that helped me and Haru prepare the food for their training camp this weekend." Kageyama bowed, making the older woman laugh out loud.

(Y/N) turned back around and grabbed the green duffle bag from off the seat and put it on her shoulder, as her Grandmother talked to Kageyama.

"It's nice to meet you too, young man. I'm (Y/N)'s grandma, but you can just call me Christy." The older teen nodded and she continued, "I was just asking my granddaughter if you two were dating..."

Kageyama's face turned red again, coughing from awkwardness, (Y/N) came to the rescue, "Grandma, he's not my boyfriend, please just drop it..." Christy laughed and gave the two teens a wide smile.

"Fine, I will..." She pulled (Y/N) closer to her and whispered once again in English, "But you should pounce before any other girl sees how good that boy is, good luck!" And with that, she let go of (Y/N) and sped off.

(Y/N)'s face turned red once again, and she started to mumble something. Kageyama didn't question but he did find that her being embarrassed, was really cute.

(Y/N) turned to look at Kageyama and she gave an embarrassed smile, "Let's head back, we don't want the others to worry..." Hurriedly, she puts the duffle bag more securely on her shoulder and starts to quickly walk back to the classrooms the students could sleep in.

(Hey, might be the last chapter in about three weeks, I'll probably be editing this and working on other things as well, but this Story might go on a break, just a heads up! Also, I'm turning the One-shot I made into a one-shot book, and requests and ideas would be great! I like making smaller stories once in a while!)

-Word Count: 1072-

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