Chapter 31 - Rule Breakers (Mature)

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It was strange to wake up at his home. I felt so weird. It got even weirder when I woke up... laced around him, bodies draped and tangled. I froze for a moment... never having this with a man before, not even with Liam. His body was warm, our skin pinned to the others, his breathing very hard and deep as he slept. I was on my side and his face was on the back of my shoulder, I could feel his lips, they were open against me, his forehead on the back of my neck. His hand was on my hipbone, it felt sweaty from the heat of our bodies. His thighs were on top of mine, his legs dominating over me. I took a second, starting at the wall, whoa.

I snapped out of it, and slid away from him, my skin sticking to his, and dressed. I let out a little gasp when I saw the hickies littering my thighs. I shivered and quietly walked to the door, he was still sound asleep. I stopped and admired him, giggling when I saw there was a hicky on his neck. I put my hand to mine, wincing, I had one too. I was walking down the hall, wondering if last night meant anything, it was a pretty personal conversation after all, and-

"Well good morning."

I swallowed, my thoughts frozen. "Hi Zayn," I wrapped my arms around my trampy top a bit tighter, seeing him having his breakfast.

"Rough night?"

"Rough isn't the right word." I smiled, kind of lying.

"No, tell that to the hickey on your neck." He smirked and took a long sip of coffee. "Want some?" he held up the mug.

"No, no, I really better go."

"Slipping out before he even wakes up, damn, you're like any other college frat guy."

I glared and laughed a bit. "I honestly didn't want to stick around for him to tell me to leave. Don't tell him you saw me slip out?"

"Secrets safe with me." He spoke with his tone that kind of... made me nervous? I only gave him a smile and hurried off.

I was honestly distracted the whole day, I kept thinking of him between my damn legs. God why couldn't that happen again? I hoped it would. The next day we had practice, and I was doing my best, really trying and pushing myself. I had my thighs covered, thankfully. The bruises were already fading.

"Go, stronger, more, more!" Vincent shouted. I took a breath and kept pushing myself. "Go, more, there has to be more," he huffed off. I stopped dancing, pounding my fists against my head

"You flicker."

"I what?" I stared at Harry.

"You start powerful, end weak, you are being a weakling."

I swallowed at his honesty, words pounding into my head. I was weak. "Help me fix it, help me get this again and stay at it." he smirked. "I'm serious; I need more than an E trip and some slutty dancing."

He thought. "Then let's get you in touch with what it's like to be truly bad." I shook my head. "Scared?" I nodded. "What scares you more, breaking some rules or failing as the lead in this production?"

I took a shaky breath. "Pick me up later?" he nodded and we both went our separate ways, wanting to be alone to work. After the practice I showered I got dressed, wearing skinny jeans, boots and a black jacket. I had no idea when he was coming or what he was doing. I was scared, but it had to be done. He picked me up and we were driving around.

"What are we doing?" I whispered.

"Just go with it." I nodded. "I'm starting you off small, literally, baby steps. This is nothing."

We were driving into the city, and he turned down some shady alleyway blocks. He got out, walked to the back seat, grabbed a bag and then I followed him down the alleyway. He opened the bag and handed me a thing of spray paint.

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