Chapter 47 - The Anniversary

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Three days, three days since I saw him.

It had been three days without a word, when he left me last he gave me nothing but the sound of his squealing tires and a cold stare. Not to mention the sight of him fleeing from his problems.

I was hurt inside because of his pain, and I hated that I was so emotionally involved on that level. I ignored it, and knew he would be in to dance tomorrow. He surely had to come to practice, three days was the most he could call in sick, I would think anyway. He needed to be at rehearsal, now more than ever.

I distracted myself the best way I knew how- shopping. I decided I would track down Sarah's dream dress, with money Niall put in my savings account.

"When is your wedding?" the stunning bridal consultant asked me and I laughed.

"It's not for me, it's for my friend." She was so confused. "Her groom is planning the wedding, it's a surprise. I'm going to find her dream dress, for her, without her knowing."

Again, the look on her face made me feel crazy. "The bride doesn't know... she's a bride?"

"Not a clue."


"I'll look around." I smiled and started off on my own.

Sarah was her own person. Sarah was classy and kind, she was sassy and charming. It was who she was and I adored that about her. She was beautiful and warm too, it made it more difficult to find the proper gown.

She would know it as soon as she saw it if it was right- or wrong. I felt so much pressure, but I welcomed it, for once it wasn't dance pressure.

"No... no... no," I sighed, skimming the racks. I pulled out my phone, and called her.

"Hey Dot, what's up?"

"Hi, so, Sarah can I ask a fashion question?"

"Hell yes, fire away," I opened my mouth. "Shh! Niall, Odette is asking a fashion question."

"Oh Lord, stop the presses," I smiled at him. "Kiss me goodbye."

"Go away! I already did you attention grabber. Now, Dot-"

"Kiss!" he screamed and I giggled, loving their relationship. I heard them fussing about other things, it was clear Niall just wanted to mess with her. I took my phone and while I was still on the line with her, I sent him a text.

Stop bugging her. I'm shopping for her wedding dress.

I suddenly heard him clear his throat. "All right, baby, kiss me goodbye, then you need to talk to Dot."

"Good Lord," she I heard the sound of a huff and lips pecking. "Million times the charm, bye, go, go, you'll be late. "I'm sorry," she gushed to me.

"No problem," I replied and heard my phone buzz, seeing his reply.

Holy shit, her dress? God I can't wait.

I hope I pick the right one.

Don't worry, He replied. You know her well, it'll be perfect.

"Dot?" she snapped me out of it and I focused on her.

"Sorry, look, how would you describe your style? I've been working on ways to describe mine and draw inspiration from others. My wardrobe needs an overhaul."

"Hmmm," she sang out almost. "I like... connected. I like things that flow but at the same time they might be different. I like city girl meets classic staples, basics. You know, big chunky cardigans with vintage Chanel dresses. I love elegant. Your style is very laid back and chic, casual. I love that. I don't think you can go wrong with adding more basics to your wardrobe."

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