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"Five said everyone was leaving." Lotus' brows furrowed as they made it back to the foyer. Everyone expect Vanya stood looking at each other, not knowing what to say.

"Were you crying?" Klaus squinted, turning his attention to Five. "What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything."

"Where's Vanya?"

Allison pursed her lips, "Harlan, the boy she watches is in trouble. Did you not tell her, Five?"

"I did, thank you very much."

"So why aren't we all going?" Lotus questioned, "He said we were all going with her."

"We have bigger priorities right now." Luther chimed in, "The government's kinda after us."

She pursed her lips, making her way to the back door where she remembered spotting the car. "We can't let her go alone."

"Lotus, wait—"

Luther's voice faded as she burst through the door, spotting Vanya starting up the car. She raced forward and threw herself in the passenger seat, meeting the woman's confused gaze.

"What are you doing?"

Lotus smiled, "Well, I guess I missed the whole explanation but I'm still coming with you."


The door opened again and this time Klaus shoved himself next to Lotus, she scouted to the middle seat. "Klaus?"

"So, Ben is gone forever, huh?"

Lotus' eyes widened as she stared between the two, "What?"

"He traded his life for mine." Vanya nodded, "He saved the world in the process."

"Pfft, show off. Did— did he say anything about... me?"

"He wanted me to tell you that he was too scared to go to the light. It wasn't you that made him stay."

Lotus was still trying to process the conversation they were having around her, when the hell did this happen?

"Oh, that little shit-heel." Klaus scoffed, "All these years, and I thought it was my fault that he didn't take his ticket to heaven."

Vanya pursed her lips, "Look I'm sorry, but both of you should get out—"

"Oh no, I'm coming with." Klaus nodded, "I can't let you face the unknown alone, right?"

Footsteps sounded and both back doors swung open, "Got room for two more?"

They all glanced at Allison and Diego as they piled in, Vanya shot him a weird look. "What about the Commission?"

"Well, might as well do some good before we all die horribly."

"Whoo!" Klaus cheered, jumping back as Five opened the passenger door and peered in.

"Five, you don't have—" Vanya started.

"I know. You owe me one sis." He gave her a nod, motioning for Klaus to get in the back. "Children ride in the back."

He frowned, but climbed over Lotus as she yelped in surprise. Klaus flopped in the backseat between Diego and Allison as Five landed next to her.

"Hey." He smiled.

Lotus rolled her eyes, "Hey."

The trunk opened and they turned to see Luther climb in the back, it dropped significantly with a loud crack. Lotus suppressed a laugh as he glared at his siblings, "If anyone makes a fat joke, I'm outta here."

She snickered as she turned and faced the front, Vanya flicked the car into drive and they were off. A hand landed on hers and intertwined their fingers, she glanced over at Five with raised brows.

"Ooh, when did this happen?" Klaus leaned forward and peered over at them, "Did—"

"It's non of your business." Five said.

Klaus chuckled, "Really? I think we all deserve—"

"Ask one more time and I'll run you over with this car."

Lotus snorted, as she felt something tug on her hair. She glanced back to see Klaus combing through it, "Your hair is still soft."

She smiled, "I'd hope so."

"I'm gonna braid it." He told her, she could feel him part her hair in two sections. "It's one of the only things I'm good at. You're lucky I keep a stash of elastics in my pocket, in case of emergencies."

Vanya chuckled, turning on the radio. Music filled the car and Allison snapped her fingers, "I love this song!"

She burst out in song, loud and amusing. Luther and Diego joined in, followed by Vanya. Lotus laughed as they all belted out the lyrics, if she knew them, she'd join in, but watching them all goof off was entertaining. Klaus mumbled along, focused on her hair.

"I'm really glad I met you guys." Lotus leaned her head back, "For once trying to rob a place got me in a good spot."

"What the hell did you get up to back home?" Diego asked intrigued.

She shrugged, "Are you still gonna teach me how to fight if we get back?"

"When we get back." Five chimed in, "We're getting home."

When he said that, they all seemed to silently agree that they would. He said it was so much confidence, even those like herself who had been questioning the possibility, felt a little bit of hope. However, when they pulled up to the farm and saw the giant vortex of light spilling from the barn, all hope vanished.

"Is it snowing?" Lotus questioned, staring out the windshield. "It's snowing in Texas."

"Shit." Five mumbled as they parked, everyone scrambled out as wind ripped around wildly.

"Get back!" A woman came rushing from the barn, loading a gun and pointing it at them. "All of you, get the hell back!"

Vanya lead the way, coming to an abrupt stop. "Sissy! Hey— hey, what's wrong?"

So this was the woman Vanya was in love with. If she hadn't been pointing a loaded gun at them, Lotus would've walked right up and introduced herself.

"Carl." She said.

"What did he do to you?"

Sissy panted, her breaths came in heaves as she shook her head. "He's... he's dead. Harlan tossed him aside like a rag doll, same way you sent those policemen flyin.' What did you do him—"


"Vanya, what the hell did you do to my son!"

Diego started forward, "We don't have time for this."

"Where do you think you're going?" Sissy directed her aim to Diego, "What do you want?"

"We want to help Harlan." Lotus shouted.

Vanya nodded, "Look, Sissy, I found my family. These are my brothers and my sister. And a family friend."

Lotus gave a salute, "Hello."

"Were you lyin' to me the whole time?" Sissy let the barrel of the gun land on the ground.

"Of course not." Vanya said, "Look, I didn't know who I was. But I do now. And we are not the monsters that they say we are, we did not kill the president and we are not terrorists. We are not here to hurt anyone."

"Then... who are you?"

"The only one who can help Harlan."

Lotus stepped forward, "With all do respect ma'am, I don't think it's good for your kid to be projecting a vortex like thing so if we could just hurry—"

"Lotus." Vanya said.


Sissy nodded slowly and led them to the barn, dragging open the door. They all filed in, her eyes widened at the sight.

"Holy shit."

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