Chapter 6

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I played with the kids until the food was ready. We walked into the dining room. Both kids begged me to sit next to them. So I sat between Zach and Liz. Mrs. Everly sat beside Liz. Mr Everly sat at the head of the table, his wife on one side and Daisy in her high chair on the other. Daniel sat next to Daisy and Nick Nick next to him. April sat by Nick (they seemed to have really bonded). Then Charlotte was at the other end with Zach on one side and April on the other. Meaning I was right across from Nick.

"So Autumn, we've heard all about April's school year thus far but we still haven't heard from you." Mr. Everly said as we were passing the food around the table. Charlotte and I were helping to serve the kids as well as ourselves.

"Well those two haven't given her much of a chance." Daniel added in.

"Yeah what's up with that Lizzy and Zach. Don't like to share Autumn?" Nick added looking between the too.

"Nope!" They said in unison.

"Can't blame them there. Autumn is pretty fantastic." Mrs. Everly added as we all laughed at the kids directness. "So how are classes going Autumn."

"Well. This year shouldn't be too bad. I got most of my hard classes out of the way in my first three years."

"Her schedule is a dream. She doesn't have class before 11 and is done by 4 every day." April piped in with. Glad she learned to speak while I was gone. I'm guess the glass of wine she had was helping.

"I think it's best Autumn isn't required to interact with society early in the morning." Mr. Everly teased. "We've all seen Autumn's zombie like state as she attempts to make it through early on in the day."

Another round of laughter came around the table as every nodded once agreement. I looked up to be met with green eyes and a knowing smirk. He did recognize me. I could tell by his face. As I had played with the kids, I had debated if he had recognized me from the state of the parking lot. I had hoped he hadn't. But this is my life we're dealing with.

"No one asked me about my school!" Zach piped in with.

"You started preschool this year didn't you?"

"Yes I did!" Zach said and beamed up at me.

He proceeded to tell me all about life in preschool then Liz told me all about life as a 1st grader. The rest of the table broke off into their own conversations. Mr. and Mrs. Everly spoke about things they needed to get done before Fall Fest next weekend.

Fall Fest happened the first weekend of fall. It was the first weekend everything was open and they brought in a lot of booths and a couple restaurants set up food booths. There was face painting, fall crafts, balloon animals, and vendors selling all sorts of fall decor.

I looked to the other end of the table and saw Charlotte was deep in conversation with April and Nick. Looking at Nick and April they looked perfect next to each other. They could easily be one of those magazine couples. Both were gorgeous and their style was well put together. I on the other hand looked comfortable to put it nicely.

I went back to the intense debate my two little dinner companions were having about which dinosaur was more awesome. I'm sure we'll be seeing this important national debate everywhere soon.


After dinner April volunteered to help with dishes and I volunteered to take the kids outside. Zach and Liz we're chasing fireflies as I sat with Daisy wrapped in a blanket on the porch swing. I was smiling at the two kids giggling as they watched the little bugs lite up around then with a sleeping Daisy in my lap.  I felt the swing moved and looked beside me to see Nick sitting down next to us.

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