Chapter 10

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It was Thursday afternoon. I had finished my classes for the day. The weather had turned hot once again and Zander and I had decided to study on the south quad together. I was lying on a blanket with my eyes closed while Zander sat next to me. Studying had turned into people watching and at one point a photo session for Zander taking selfies for ten minutes.

"So Saturday." Zander said.

"Yes that's a day. Comes after Friday. Before Sunday. Has 24 hours-"

"Anyway. You're coming out with Jessica, Adam, and me."

"I am am I."



"You have to come Autumn. It's all part of the plan."

"What plan? What am I getting involved in? Are you planning a heist of some sort?"

"No operation get Jessica and Adam together."

"First figure out better naming. Second I don't think I'm a necessary component in them hooking up and for that matter you're not either."

"I'm just providing them with the opportunity in an environment where people are flirty and alcohol helps people out of their own heads."

"Yes everyone's dream romance. I realized my feeling for him because of that shot of tequila. So what's my part in this, Cupid?"

"Well I have to go to get them to go. And I need another buffer so I'm not a third wheel."

"So essentially I'm there as entertainment for you?"

"Yes. We just have to push them together and sit back and watch. It'll be fun."

"And why can't we let them work this out on their own? And when did playing Cupid become your hobby?"

"Hey I've been offering to help you for years. And the other day I noticed how perfect the two were for each other. But both are shy when it comes to this sort of thing and it's awkward to make a move in a library."

"I've run into many people who disagree there."

"My point exactly. Movies never show that side of the library hookup. In the middle oh a blow job and some girl happens upon asked if you could scoot over so she can retrieve a book."

I laughed. That really wasn't untrue. I laid back down and closed my eyes again.

I was enjoying the feeling on the sun warming my body. I felt completely relaxed.

"Autumn!" Why is the world against my relaxation?

I opened by eyes and sat up slightly to see April headed in our direction.

"How did you know where I was?" I asked as she sat next to me.

"You might not do social media but your friend here sure does." I glared over at Zander.

"It was urgent that I release those selfies to the world. The lighting is too perfect right now." I rolled my eyes. "I got some great pics of you too. I'd be happy to share with the world."

"Do it and die!"

"You'd never know because you don't have Instagram."

"I'd find out. That's how putting your life online works. Also why did you need to put our location?"

"Obviously to make everyone feel envious of our life."

"Oh the thrilling chronicles of reading about geopolitics while laying in grass. You're life is practically a tv show writing itself."

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