C-2: Normality/Motive 1

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It had been a night since the trial.

I haven't left my room once.

Without Snowball's knowledge, I re-arranged my bed so it was back in my room.

Im so pathetic...Ice cube should have let me die...


Ice Cube must have done it to save me. To stop me from killing myself when she planned to do the same...

But if things stayed the same...there may be another motive today. Meaning there may be another death the next day.

I sat up in my bed, looking around. My room was empty...after we got back, I decided to go get some snacks for a week at least. I guess someone took all my stuff so I wouldnt commit a crime again. They also somehow sealed off my vent cover.

My single clock. It read the time... 11:36 am. I had woken up after the announcement...I guess either nobody has come to get me or I slept through their knocks..

I cracked the door to my room and peeked my head into the hallway. Nobody was there...they probably are still eating...

Slipping on a white hoodie, I left the room.

I carefully walked down the stares, turning every corner cautiously . I really didn't want to speak to anybody...

Before I went downstairs, I stopped at the bar. Scented cameras and a empty picture frame were there. Then I went to the lounging area and printed out a photo of Ice cube.

I made my way to the medical room....it was spotless.

The poison was back on the shelf, unopened. Not a single speck of blood was left.

Even the vent cover was tightened again. It was like....the crime was never committed.

I lit the candles, placing them on the same medical bed that she had died on. I then placed the picture in the middle of them...

I felt horrible...I had just killed a little girl...

I returned to my room, once again avoided any living thing in my way.

Shutting my door softly, I locked it and sat on my bed. My boring room , my boring talent, my regretful life...

Knock Knock Knock...

The door to my lounge room sounded.

"David...we need to talk." I could feel his raspy voice say.

I got up and stretched. Walking over to the door with not a drop of haste. Slowly, I slid down the door on my back.

"Whats up...?" I asked him.

"We all had a meeting at breakfast about you..." He said, splitting up his words quietly.

"You also missed the motive." He continued. I felt my ears perk up and my curiosity rise.

"We had to pick out of 2 balanced choices.

Kill 1 member of our family but unlock all the school rooms.

Or save our family and turn into somewhat 'Inanimate Objects with feelings."

"Ah...yes. The science of Objectfying." I spoke. I had covered this briefly in middle school. By adding the blood from a heart of a perfectly healthy human, scientists inserted it into a object.

Over the span of a week, they could only find a 85% healthy human to do the job. Of course they took them by force...they actually had a list of people they would like to use. I was 3rd on the list.

G-g...why. Why can't I remember the name of the company...?

I groaned outloud, pissed at my memory. I never remembered it being that bad...

"So. According to our tablets, the 2nd part of the motive happens tomorrow at 3:00 pm. This time it is mandatory...so remember to meet us there." He then went silent...I only assumed he had walked away.

I tried to stand up...but it was like I couldn't. I sat there...waiting for him to return.

He didn't.

Ding Dong Bing Bong.

"Hello! It is t-minus 10 minutes before the 2nd part of the motive. This part is mandatory. CoughDAVIDCough."

Was that last part really needed. Now I feel emotionally and physically attacked.

I stood up. I havent showered since I got here...I guess I dont have time now though.

I quietly opened my door. Snowball was waiting for me, smiling. We walked to the gym together, enjoying the silence.

We approached the big red gym doors once again. Slowly opening them. Our classmates were there...almost all of them.

Ice cube and Match's disappearance was nothing but noticed. I entered the gym and ignored the stares of my peers.

"Good! Now earlier you all chose the pussy way out!" Two laughed . "I never actually expected any same person to save their family over their on abilities. Now let me read off what turning into object will do to you.

You will now only have the durability of the object you are. Your muscle mass will stay the same and you can still bleed. All of your organs are somewhat the same. I have decided to never turn you back! " He chuckled, making us all have chills.

He suddenly snapped . My eyes fell shut like a metal gate. I couldn't lift them ...

Heh...is this what death feels like...Im not even mad. I deserved this.
As soon as I was ready to let death overtake me...I felt coldness spread over my body.

The gates opened, and I looked down.

"Where is my di-" A scream cut me off.

"MY ARMS!!!" Golf Ball's voice rang.

Her arms had disappeared, along with many others.

I was now naked, but my genitals were nonexistent. I still had my strength and thoughts, but my voice was still raspy.

I looked up to 2, who was freaking out.

"WHAT THE HELL!? THIS WASNT SUPPOSED TO AFFECT ME TOO!" He screamed. He was now a lime green number 2.

Snowball still looked buff, even though he was literally a snowball.

We all freaked out for a hour, Two even joined us. Then after adjusting to our bodies we settled down.

"Ahem...now for the secondary motive." Two threw in the air 19 envelopes, each one magically floating to a specific person .

"These envelopes contain each and every one of yours darkest secrets~!" He cheered.

I opened the envelope and pulled the yellow slip of paper out.

My hands were now balls without fingers, but it seemed to pose no difference to my regular hand as I could use them easily.

'When David was 6, on Halloween he went around the neighborhood next to his and broke all the houses windows.' It read. I shrugged. Being the rounded ultimate, I quickly learned to not get any dirt in my life.

"Thats all! Enjoy the rest of your normal days!" Two disappeared . Me and Snowball left before anybody could reject.

"So Snowball...you don't seem freaked out about the motive. Mind showing me your slip?" I asked.

"Actually, I have a idea." He said smirking.

"Tomorrow night, when everyone goes to their room,we will sneak in and take their slips. Then we will tape them open on their doors so everyone can read them." He laughed hard, I joined in.

Maybe...just maybe. Tomorrow I can go back to normal...

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