Chapter 31

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Finally, we reached the academy. 

Lining up in rows of ten, we made our way to our seats. Ready for the entrance ceremony, of course all eyes were on Reius and Alexander. 

"Is that the prince of Arborea?"

"Ya, I recognise him from the newspapers."

"whose the guy beside him?"

"I think that's prince Reius from Scarabia."


"You know the prince whose wedding got ruined, a few months ago..."

so on and so forth.

Eventually, a young man with blonde hair tied in a braid, walked out to the podium. He was very beautiful, his blue eyes were as if like the ocean itself. He wore a simple white  suit.

With a snap of his fingers, golden particles began to manifest and his voice grew in volumes.


The rest was blocked out as for a second, I thought I saw a dark shadow behind before disappearing  not only that but I could have sworn I heard Oliver say something.

Maybe I should keep my guard up..

The opening ceremony soon ended with the welcoming speech from the headmaster, an elderly man with a greying head and a lampshade moustache. A set of stern aquamarine eyes stared back at the students behind his thin frame glasses.

Prefects then lead us to our respective dorms. 

Since the school doesn't believe in higher statuses or what not, all students are given equal treatment with a few exceptions.

Placing my suitcase onto my bed, I started to unpack. 

The dorm was simple with the basic necessities. rows and rows of beds alongside nightstands for personal belongings. Under the beds was a trapdoor to put our luggage, wardrobe cabinets were at the side of the room.

There were quite a few people who looked younger than me in our dorm but seeing as this was an international school, I guess it was normal.

"Why do I have to sleep right beside this muscle head daruma?" grumbled Theo as he folded his clothes into neat piles, placing them into the wardrobe cabinet.

"Well you just have to live with it." was all Ross said as he tried to help a younger student get his suitcase into the trapdoor " By the way, can someone please help me with this!" 

A couple of students went forward and with a few more push, they finally managed to get the suitcase into the door, closing it shut.

From the corner of my eye, I thought I saw something silver peek through the trap door from under Alexander's door before it fell shut.

(Timeskip: a month or so later)

"ALEXANDER WAKE UP!" shouted 'Jeremy' as he smacked Alexander with a pillow once more.  It had been weeks since they last enrolled into the magi academy and it was already a known fact in their dorm that the prince from Arborea was near impossible to wake.

"uh...okay okay I'm getting up..." grumbled Alexander as he got out of bed, groggily rubbing his eye as he slipped into the washroom.

Finally, they reached the dining hall. Placing their books over the table, the once empty plates magically conjured up their desired orders. 

"So how long did it take this time?" asked Reius as he ate a mouthful of nasi lemak, his hands oily from using them. 

"15 minutes." was all Jeremy said as he began to gobble up his mandelkubb.

Reincarnated to switch places with a princess (PART 1)Where stories live. Discover now