36 The second board meeting

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I tried to concentrate on work; I had so much to finish before Claudia and Carlos came in two weeks. But focusing on the exhibition was difficult with all the turmoil around Sachs&Goldberg, even at work, as Kelly kept asking questions and, of course, bringing forward her support. "Steve will quit the company if Sam Goldberg's view wins," she said; I was quite proud. I had a new friend!

After Mick and Stuart went back to work on Wednesday, they were met with massive support – at least from the younger lawyers and clerks. 

Sunday evening – like so many other Sunday evenings – we were all gathered in the roof garden. The only one missing was Carlos, but our new best friends Steve and Kelly, had joined us.

"So tell me, kids, because a lot of the senior partner don't say anything  – what are the feelings around the office? I'm grateful you, Steve, and a few others took an absolute stand in Mick and Stuart's support – but has Sam tried any tricks to make you move over to his side? I have spoken to the liberals of the senior partners, and they are coming around" Dad sent a questioning glance at the group around the fireplace.

Steve looked a bit uneasy. "Sam has had one-to-one meetings with every one of us. But, all of us junior partners and paralegals went out for drinks Friday after work, and no one has changed their view – as far as I know. Several have threatened, as I did, to leave the company if Sams view won. We are talking of two extremely qualified legal workers. Mick wins practically every case he has had, and he wouldn't win without Stuart's research work. Besides – it is illegal what Sam has done, and he only represented about 40% of the votes in that meeting. I don't understand why you didn't veto it there and then Josh." 

"I needed time to think. So I postponed all decisions. I didn't want an open war in the board room. Sam stated I was dilutional after chemotherapy I received five years ago – My colon cancer is under control, no spreading in five years – I'm more fit than I have been for 20 years" dad was furious. Still, unlike my mama, he always kept his temper under control.

"Mick, you are already on the board, but I need Stuart and Steve to sit in at the board meeting tomorrow – are you ok with that?" Both men nodded. Dad went on about his plan for the meeting, and I think we all relaxed – he was CEO and had no plan to give up that position. 

Monday morning at the Met, Kelly and I had our coffee and went into my office. I had explained the situation to Francis, and he understood why we wanted to spend the morning together. He was just thrilled that we finally got along and that Kelly was a more social person than she used to be.

Meanwhile – a little further down on Manhattan in the Sachs&Goldberg offices, the atmosphere was so tense you could cut it with a knife.

Josh Sachs took his seat at the top of the board table and asked if there were any objections to him inviting all the junior partners into the meeting, they would get the right to speak but not to vote.

Sam Goldberg objected to Stuart being there – as he was neither a junior partner nor a shareholder." They voted and Stuart got to stay.

Dear board – and partners, I must say I am truly sorry we have to have this meeting. I understand Sam's rash decision last week to call an emergency meeting because he was in shock that his only son, who, by the way, is married to my daughter, came out as gay. As a parent, it is not a thing you want to hear. But when that is said – I find Sams reaction unfair and irrational. He even asked if he could buy me out – claiming I was delusional after receiving chemotherapy five years ago. I'm not stepping down, and I accept Mick's decision to join the Manhattan DAs office; I think it will be a very valuable experience for him. He will go on working here until he starts at the DAs office on July 1st. As for Stuart, I am offering him a full scholarship from the company to finish his law degree – he is transferring from Yale to Columbia. I, therefore, offered him an internship here during the last two years of his degree. Does anyone object to this?"

"Like hell, I do!" Sam's face was a deep red. The two fairies are going to go – get out of my sight! Do you think our clients want to work with a lawyer who fucks men?"

"Sam, when my dad and I took you on as a partner and changed the name of the company 30-some years ago, it was, among other things, because you supported me in my marriage to Susannah. My dad was dead against it. You stood up and said my legal qualities might be better than my choice in women – I'm afraid I have to disagree with that; I still love Susannah. I will turn the same argument you used against yourself – I believe, as does a majority of the partners here, that Mick's legal talent is indisputable. I would also like to add that Stuart is the most efficient and hardworking researcher/PA we ever had. Of course, I wished the marriage between Alma and Mick had been for real – but you know, you don't choose your sexual orientation. Alma, Mick, and Stuart have been living together for several years; she has always known and always been comfortable with the situation. They will go on living in the same house."

Sam left the room. The rest of the board and all the junior partners stood up and clapped, some of the partners somewhat reluctantly, but the rest were perfectly happy with the meeting's outcome.

Meanwhile, in the Met – Kelly received a text from Steve. It said, "YES!!!!!!!! I love Josh."

"Alma – we won" Kelly threw her arms around me and started a creative cheer dance, considering the fact that Kelly was a former cheerleader, and I more like Bambi on the ice lake. Francis came in and looked at the two former enemies "Hey, girls, is that a queer cheer dance?" My phone started beeping as well. "Ok girls – go over to Almas house and celebrate; I might bring Brett along a bit later; some of us still have work to do" Francis gave us both a hug and the rest of the day off.

I texted Mick and dad and said – party in the roof garden; I think Kelly had already texted Steve.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2021 ⏰

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