4 Ministry And Dark Lords

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The Quibbler and the Daily Prophet were writing one headline after the next on the latest results of the 2nd trial. If one came from overseas they'd have thought they were in a competition with each other they were practically shooting bullets at the speed they published the news. It caused such an impact that the public responded in various different ways, amongst them fear and outrage.

Reason being their Savior was most probably dead. The light was not the only one affected by this news. It shook the entire magical community of Britain England.

That includes the Death eaters and Voldemort himself, the supposed dark side. The dark lord however was not only affected by the magazine, no. He felt that a hocrux - he was recently unaware of - was more often than should be, in great danger. Meaning, the hocrux was often surrounded by situations that were a threat to its existence. How could that be!?

Voldemort's (Tom's) POV

About two months ago I heard how Sirius Black escaped Azkaban through my loyal flower Bellatrix. I wasn't as much interested in that happening as I decided to check up on the situation of each of my hocruxes.

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A reminder for all readers and a bit of math from yours truly!

The original soul is 100%, each creation of a hocrux splits the soul in half. Meaning~!

100%-Diary = 50%, 50%-Ring=25%, 25%-necklace=17,5%, 17,5%-trinket=8,75%,
8,75%- brooch is 4,375%
4,375%-Nagini is 2,1875%
Leaving both Harry and the Dark Lord with 1,09375%.

I decided that instead of the soul inside of the Diary dying~ which is a good 50%! It instead attached to Harry but immediately got sealed along with the part already inside of him!
Just so you know. In Total, Harry then has 51,09375% of Tom's soul! But Voldy didn't know that until recently!
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For starters I can forget the dairy. That was destroyed by Harry James Potter. The Ring is hidden and fine, same as the necklace. The brooch is hidden in the tower of Ravenclaw. Bellatrix has the trinket in her vault. Nagini is with me so that's that...

'? Wait.. What's this?' I felt another presence trying to make itself known but clearly struggling with something which I couldn't determine what it was. It was such a small piece that I almost didn't notice it if not for currently  accounting them.

'A piece of my soul? Where!? Why? When?! ...and why does it feel like it's constantly in danger!? This is crazy!' I need to find and absorb it back! With that I called for some of my inner circle. In but a few moments, pops of apparation resounded and Lucius and the Lestrange brothers stood before me.

"You called my Lord?" each of them said with a bow of their head in my direction.

"Yes, I need you to investigate and find something. I just accounted my Hocruxes and found a stray one I didn't know about. It's fairly weak but constantly in danger. I want you to find and bring it back to me. It is moving around fairly much but it stays within Britain or Scotland. Now dismissed" with that they left.

Timeskip brought to you by Nagini

Two weeks went by when I gave that order and still nothing! Nada! Nichts! Considering you can't just use a tracking spell since I have multiple Hocruxes this is like those hunts in the muggle world where they search for some eggs but on a incomparable level!

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