11 Kids and the DE

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Meanwhile in the Malfoy's mansion; Drago and his friends, whom he had invited for his family's ball, were occupied with their schoolwork. Sometimes they'd search for a book in the extensive Library for more information on their essays like potions, divinition and charms.

Victor who had been invited by the Slytherin prince was just done with the divination essay (which was the one giving students the most headaches cuz the subject itself was... questionable) when he saw two people pop in in front of the mansions gates. "Who is that?" he asked the young heir.

Draco lifted his head seeing Krum point outside the window. Standing up Draco looked outside only to get surprised at the arrival of ".. The Lestrange twins?". Draco said before going out of his room and going to the parlour. Opening it he saw none other than his mother sipping tea while playing (and beating) chess with Lucius.

"Sth wrong Draco dear?" asked the Lady Malfoy concealing a smirk at her husband's thoughtful face. "Ähm yes. As a matter of fact the Lestrange twins just arrived."
Lucius looked up at that before actually swearing his hand through his hair. "Right I forgot. There's going to be a meeting in... 10 minutes!?" He spoke the last part devastated when he looked at how late it was. Quickly rushing out of the parlor with as much elegance as possible, Lord Malfoy opened the dining hall and called the houseelves to see if the preparation is going smoothly.

Thank Lady Magic that the houseelves had prepared everything when he told them they'd have important guests and promptly sorted out the dining hall. Just then the twins entered the reception hall where Narcissa lead them to the hall. Multiple more pop's resounded as the rest came into the mansion. The last person, arrived through the floo.

"Greetings our Lord." was said amongst all the gathered DE. "Don't call me 'my Lord' in private. I told you to address me with Tom at the last meeting. If none of you take my wish seriously I'll dismiss the next meeting understood?" said a grumbly looking 29 y/o. Man. Some had gathered the audacity to turn away from the table and snicker to the wall than the person in the face of that declaration. Tom looked severly displeased at their behaviour but chose to ignore them out of spite.

Suddenly, Theo ran into the hall and jumped on the nearest commodity screaming bloody beard like someone was shooting the killing curse at him. As amusing as it was to most of the adults there, they wanted to know why a kid ("Theo?" asked Lord Nott at the table) was having such a crude reaction in the middle of the day.

Their questing was answered as soon as a certain snake slithered through the door, past the chairs and to the seat Tom was sitting in. "Hello Nagini, have you any idea why that child over there runs around like Bellatrix is going to give him a make-over?" asked Tom.

§the small human started screaming when I went into the little blonds nest. There were so many hatchlings in the room Tom. I was wondering why I smelled a familiar scent with them§

"It seems like Nagini startled him, my apologies. Also, child, my snake won't bite you so you might as well come down from there." said Tom with a soft voice. Just then the rest of the kids ran in calling for their friend. What surprised the DE was that among the kids was not only Victor Krum but also a distant cousin of Draco, Luna lovegood who was in Ravenclaw. They wouldn't have a problem with a Raven here.... Okay maybe since they were in a Death Eater meeting currently but that's beside the point!

Among the crowd of black and green robes the colours yellow and red could be seen. Snape groaned when he saw the ginger hair. He knew of only two certain people within Griffindor that his snakes would invite over, the same with the Hufflepuff's. The rest of the adults were kinda baffled seeing all of the Hogwarts Robe colours present. "Lucius.. why?" asked Greyback confused.

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