Tom holland

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*millie POV*
"Millie" I heard my name being called by a familiar voice I was at the avengers shooting so of course when I turned around it was Tom Holland who called my name. "Hey Tom long time no see" I said "yep" he agreed and pulled me into a hug "hey Tom" Chris said "hey Chris" Tom replied Chris quickly went to go shoot a scene while Tom and I talked "so how do you know Evans?" Tom questioned "oh he adopted me so he's my dad I met he through RDJ" I explained "wow that cool" Tom said excitedly "and school? Need me to sort some people out for you" Tom knows about school we keep in contact "no it's fine Chris found out and told Robert who sorted things out before I was adopted" I explained.

After a while Tom and I were talking about London, Chris and his family it was really nice to catch up with Tom I haven't seen him since spider man homecoming I've met him through Robert because whenever Tom is in town he will stay with Robert so I saw him a lot and Tom was the only one who knew about school and orphanage issues. "So Chris huh?" Tom said "yep it's weird I can talk to him about stuff kinda like when I talk to you but I do talk to Chris more as he's my dad now and he helps me with my nightmares" I said "wait your still getting nightmares? You told me that there going away" Tom asked "I just didn't want you worrying" I said "I'm your best mate Millie come on you can tell me anything" I nodded to Tom's response.

After a while I had to go home with Chris "how do you know Tom?" Chris questioned "through RDJ" I responded "I haven't seen him in a while it was nice to catch up" I confessed and Chris nodded. When we got home it was 11pm I need to go to bed I'm so tired so I went straight upstairs and fell asleep.

*chris POV*
I went upstairs to check on Millie she was fast to sleep so I covered her up with the quilt and gave her a kiss on her forehead "goodnight Millie" I whispered "goodnight Dad" she responded leaving me with a smile as I walked out of the room. When I got to my room I was too happy to fall asleep so I just sat there going through baby photos of Millie that Robert gave me there was one with Millie and her mom I think her name was Ally she looked very beautiful but she has some bruises on her arms which I know what's from her husband I felt bad for Millie and her having to deal with this alone.

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