I Love Christmas - Sidney Crosby [Christmas Edition]

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"Remember the rules, one gift on Christmas Eve for Christmas and one for your birthday

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"Remember the rules, one gift on Christmas Eve for Christmas and one for your birthday. Only one gift for each" I looked up at Sidney with a warning.

"What? I think I learned my lesson last year" he laughed with his hands up.

"Can I open this one?" Aurora, Sidney and I's six year old daughter, asked with a gift in her hand.

"Of course sweetheart" I rubbed the top of her head as she ran to sit on Sidney's lap to open her gift.

Aurora was born on Christmas Eve and ever since, Christmas became extra special to us. Watching her sit on Sidney's lap smiling up at him made me realize how big she's gotten and how much she's changed since she was a baby.

"Everything is going to change isn't it?" I looked up at Sidney, my hair damp with sweat and my breathing rapid.

"In the best way possible" he smiled kissing my forehead.

We hadn't planned this and neither one of us knew if we were ready. In a matter of minutes Aurora was placed in my arms.

"She's so tiny" Sidney rubbed her cheek with tears filling his eyes.

"She looks just like you" I smiled at him holding back my happy tears.

"Not a chance, she's gorgeous. That's all you" he kissed my forehead.

She looked so fragile, so calm, so peaceful. She was perfect, she was beautiful.

"Babe?" Sidney's voice pulled me from my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I smiled over at him.

"Can she open it now?" He lightly laughed.

"Of course love" I joined them both on the couch as Aurora tore open her present.

"I love it! I wanted one forever thank you! Can they sleep with me tonight?" Aurora happily yelled wrapping her arms around the stuffed animal she had been begging for every time we went to the store.

"They sure can sweetheart" I smiled kissing the top of her head.

"Go get ready for bed, daddy will tuck you in tonight" Sidney kissed the top of her head as well as she stood up.

She bounced down the hall excited for Sidney to put her to sleep. He didn't get to tuck her in often, especially during the season so she was always thrilled when he got to put her to bed.

"Thanks baby" I smiled up at Sidney as he stood to follow Aurora and gave me a quick kiss.

"My pleasure" he smiled walking after our daughter.

I went to change into pajamas for our Christmas Eve movie night. Every year on Christmas Eve, Sidney and I would watch a movie neither of us had seen after Aurora had went to sleep. I smiled to myself as I stood staring at my reflection in the mirror before opening the medicine cabinet and moving some items to pull out the pregnancy test I had hid.

It was now or never, everything was about to change again.

"She's so incredibly perfect" Sidney cradled the barely hour old Aurora in his arms gently.

"She really is, does this mean you wouldn't be opposed to having another one in the future?" I giggled.

"I would have a hundred more as long as we're ready and it's with you" he smiled over at me.

"You're a goof" I breathed a laugh kissing his shoulder.

"I just love my girls" he kissed my temple.

"Here goes nothing" I pulled the test up to look at it.

A smile spread across my face as I hid the test back in its previous spot until I could take care of it later without the risk of Sidney seeing it.

The next morning Aurora made sure to run into the room and jump on our bed extra early.

"Alright you little jumping bean, let's go" Sidney laughed throwing Aurora over his shoulder and walking out of the room as I threw the blanket back and followed them.

Aurora opened her gifts, her face lighting up with every single gift she opened. It was adorable.

"I have one more gift for each of you" I smiled running to our room to grab the gift I wrapped secretly when the two were asleep the night before.

Sidney eyed me suspiciously as I handed out a small wrapped box to Aurora.

"What's going on?" He asked raising and eyebrow at me.

"Open your gift baby" I rubbed Aurora's head gently.

She tore open the paper and looked at the handmade card with a tilt of her head.

"Can you read it to me daddy?" She asked handing it to Sidney.

"Of course love" he took the card from her little hands.

"Christmas is the best time of the year" he read aloud before opening the card while giving me a look. "Your real gift will be here with us next year. You're being promoted to big sister" Sidney shot me a quick look. "Next year you'll have a new baby brother or sister to share Christmas with. You're going to be the best big sister ever" he looked up at me. "Really?"

"Really" I gave him a small smile.

"I'm going to be a big sister?" Aurora looked at me with wide eyes.

"Yes sweetheart" I knelt down beside her as she wrapped her little arms around me.

"I can't wait! I love Christmas" she giggled squeezing me.

"Me either baby, me either" I kissed her cheek.

"When did you find out?" Sidney asked pulling me to stand up with him.

"Last night, I wanted it to be a surprise" I looked at him expectantly.

"This is amazing" he pulled me to him kissing me sweetly. "I love Christmas" he laughed lightly pulling me back into a kiss.

Christmas request by: mandos-slut

Thanks for requesting!!! 💛🖤🤍💛🖤🤍

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