Another Chance - Quinn Hughes

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"I've been wanting to try that place, that sounds great" I smiled

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"I've been wanting to try that place, that sounds great" I smiled.

I sat next to Elias, his phone out researching restaurants. Normally, I would have said no when he asked to hang out, but lately it was a different story. I only hesitated because of a certain person, Quinn Hughes.

In the past I thought we were starting something. We had been out a few times and I thought it went great until something happened that managed to tear us apart. We never talked about it, and I was still holding out hope that we would and that everything would be right after that, that we would be together again.

Best part about the whole situation? I worked as part of production for the team so I got to see Quinn almost every day. Lucky me.

Quinn had been going out of his way to ignore me and even more so recently so when his teammate asked to hang out, I figured I had nothing to lose. Don't get me wrong I wasn't using Elias as a distraction or a pawn in a game or anything, I enjoyed spending time with him he made me laugh and it was comfortable. It wasn't like it was with Quinn though, I didn't think it ever would be with anyone else. Besides, we had agreed to just keep it friendly.

"What are you guys up to?" Quinn asked as he approached us.

I instantly closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Of course he chooses now to decide he wants to talk to me again.

"I'm taking Y/N to dinner on Friday, have you been here? Is it good?" Elias asked Quinn holding out his phone to show him.

Quinn's eyes only left me for a quick second to look at the phone.

"No, I haven't. Looks pretty fancy though. I didn't know you two were together" he said his eyes burning right through me.

"It's just dinner" Elias smiled at me and I had to force a smile back.

My stomach was tangling into knots.

"Is that so?" Quinn smirk towards us.

"Yeah, it'll be fun" Elias nudged my leg gently.

Quinn gave a knowing smirk before turning away.

"Have fun" he said not turning back.

"Was he being weird?" Elias asked me putting his phone away.

"He's always weird" I chuckled trying to hide my emotions.

"I'm going in there, you coming?" He asked.

I had almost forgot we were all here for a meeting.

"Nah, they've got two people in there I'm going to stay out here and edit while they work the room" I smiled at him.

"I'll be back and we can pick a restaurant" he kissed my head quickly before jogging into the room.

He was a sweet person, if things were different I could definitely see myself giving him a chance but with my past with Quinn I think keeping things friendly is for the best.

I sat and did some editing until I heard the doors open. I looked up with a smile as the team was filing out.

"Can we talk?" Elias asked as he approached me. He looked troubled.

"Of course" I closed my laptop and followed him. "What's up?" I asked when we were in a more private spot.

"I was kind of hoping you'd tell me that" he said seriously.

"You lost me" I looked at him confused.

"I knew he was acting weird. Explain why Quinn just told me to treat you right because I'll only get one chance with you and messing it up would be the biggest mistake I ever make and I'll always regret it?"

I was at a loss for words. I really didn't know what to think. I didn't know which one of them to focus on or how to process what Elias just told me.

"I'll explain everything but I need to-" I cut myself off as I saw Quinn walk out of the room. I hadn't noticed he was still in there. "Excuse me" I stated making a bee line for Quinn.

"How dare you" I half yelled when I had pulled him off to the side.

"Me?" He asked seriously.

"Yes you, how dare you say that to Elias" I continued.

"Seriously Y/N? How dare me? How dare you?" He rose his voice "you're dating someone? Already?"

"We are not dating and what would it even matter to you any-" he cut me off.

"I love you ok? Is that what you wanted to hear? Like it changes anything?" It did. "Like it makes everything that happened disappear?" It didn't. "Like it makes you want to give us another chance and be with me again?"

"Quinn-" I started before he cut me off again.

"That's what I thought" he softly stated before walking away.

I was frozen in my place from the shock. He really thought telling me something like that wasn't going to change anything? It changed everything.

I found Elias and told him everything. From when it all first started to what had just happened. He seemed to understand now why I wanted to keep things between us just as friends and to be honest, it was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders.

That night was rough. I tossed and turned until I couldn't take it anymore. I pulled myself out of bed, grabbed my keys and headed to Quinn's still wearing my pajamas.

I pounded on the door hoping it would wake him up. My palms got sweaty waiting for the door to open. The more time that went by the more I found myself hoping he was even home until the door slowly opened.

"Y/N what are you doing here? It's two in the morning, is everything ok?" He asked concerned.

"You think telling me you loved me wouldn't change anything?" I almost choked out. "Quinn, that changes everything. Neither of us can ever take back what happened no matter how much we wish we could."

"Do you want to come in?" He looked at me half serious half joking.

"If I don't just keep going, I'll never say what I have to say" I gave a slight sad smile.

"Carry on" he motioned with his hand.

"I know it probably won't ever be the way it was before. Maybe that's a good thing, maybe it's a bad thing I don't know, but I do know I love you and that will always stay the same" I took an audible deep breath closing my eyes. "I just needed you to know that"

I turned, walking away from the one person I knew I would always love. Away from the person I thought was my soulmate, my other half. And worst of all, away from the person I knew I needed most in that moment.

I hadn't even made it two steps when I felt Quinn grab me by the arm and pull me into him, crashing his lips on mine. Oh how I missed him.

When we pulled away we were both breathless. I couldn't tear my gaze from him.

"I know I can't change what happened between us but believe me, I will do my damn best to make sure nothing ever tears us apart again. If you'll give me another chance that is" he looked at me with hopeful eyes.

I reached my hands behind his neck and pulled his lips to mine. I felt his smile against my lips. Sometimes all you need is another chance to make it right.

Requested by: @THEOGPUCKSLUT

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