I Can Never Stop - Kirby Dach

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"Wait" I put my hand on Kirby's arm stopping him from getting out of the car

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"Wait" I put my hand on Kirby's arm stopping him from getting out of the car. "Are you sure about this?" I asked conflicted.

"Of course, why not?" He asked confused.

"You've never taken me to any team events or anything team related for that matter. I haven't even met most of your team" I explained.

"And?" He rose an eyebrow at me.

"And what if this is weird? Are you sure me tagging along at a barbecue with most of your teammates is a good idea? I don't want them to think I'm intruding or invading or anything" I said quickly.

"Hey, hey calm down Y/N. It's completely fine. They asked me to bring you, they want to meet you" he smiled nudging my arm.

"They do?" I looked at him confused.

"Of course they do" he chuckled moving to finally get out of the car.

Everyone I seemed to meet were very nice and welcoming. I had no idea why I was so nervous meeting his teammates.

I tried to make sure I stuck close to Kirby for most of the day so I didn't feel out of place. We were grabbing drinks when I noticed that people were giving me odd looks. They weren't bad looks just...odd looks.

"Umm, Kirby?" I grabbed onto his arm to get his attention.

"What's up?" He looked up from pouring some iced tea into a glass.

"Everyone's looking at me weird, are you sure it's ok that I'm here? I can leave and order a ride back home" I explained pulling out my phone.

"No, Y/N stop. That's not what it is at all" he laughed taking my phone out of my hand.

"Then what is it? What's going on?" I asked confused and frustrated.

"They think you're my girlfriend" he chuckled looking at me seriously.

"What?" I giggled looking around. "How did they get that idea?"

"Honestly, no clue. They'll believe what they want...even if we tell them a million times that we're just friends" he shrugged slightly.

Those words tugged at my heart. I'm sure we would tell them over and over that we were just friends, and with every single time I say the words my heart would crack a tiny bit more.

Recently my feelings towards Kirby shifted. I craved his touch, his mere presence. I started wondering what his lips would feel like on mine, what his hands would feel like roaming my body, what his hair would feel like in my hands... nothing a person should wonder about someone who's just a friend.

"True...can I have my phone back now?" I looked back at him with a smile.

"Depends" he gave me a slight smirk.

"On?" I crossed my arms waiting for his answer.

"What does your boyfriend get for giving you your phone back?" He joked as he grinned, turning his cheek to me.

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