Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Liam POV

Ugh, my fourth mating ball. Is it even worth it anymore? I'm beginning to think my visions aren't going to come true. I've seen her, if only from a distance. I've heard her voice, in a crowd of others. I've heard her laugh, and oh what a beautiful sound that is. I've been dreaming of this girl since my eighteenth birthday. Always the same girl. Always beautiful and kind. I'm so drawn to her in these dreams. It must be her. My mate.

"My goddess, Liam. Are you going to the ball or not?"

I looked up to see my best friend and second in command, Ethan. "Er, yeah. Just mentally preparing myself you know?" I replied halfheartedly.

"Well you're going to need to physically prepare yourself too if we're ever going to make it," he retorted.

I looked down and realized what he meant. I'm still wearing yesterday's clothes and my hair is an absolute mess. It's been crazy here the past few days and I haven't had a moment to myself. Always people pulling me in different directions. That's the life of being crown prince of the werewolf kingdom, I guess. There's very little in my life that I get to call my own. That's why I'm so set on finding my mate, the one person who can be fully mine and will be able to see me for who I truly am...just a normal twenty-one-year-old guy.

This has to be the year. I don't think I'll be able to survive another year without my other half. Father is expecting me to take over before my next birthday and a queen is not only an expectation for a kingdom, it's a requirement. I know she's out there; I can feel it. I just need to find her. Tonight is the night.

I stood up from my desk and dusted myself off. It did little to release the wrinkles in my dress shirt and pants.

"Guess I'll head off then. I'll be ready in thirty minutes. Can you have the car brought around, Ethan?"

"Are we driving ourselves tonight? You know how much the queen hates that," Ethan taunted.

"Mother can deal with it. If I find my mate tonight, I'm not wasting another moment to have her by my side. She will return with us to the castle." As I said these words, I worried my mate might not want to come with me. I don't know how I'd deal with the rejection. I think it would kill me. Senseless worrying does no good though. I really do have poor self-esteem. Something to do with never trusting that the people around me are telling the truth. Who would ever tell a prince they didn't look good or their idea wasn't the best thing they'd ever heard? It drives me insane. I just want to be treated like a normal wolf, and I know my mate can do that for me.

I slowly made my way to my bedroom. As expected for the bedroom of the crown prince, it's enormous. It's almost its own apartment. The main room houses my dark walnut bedroom furniture. A king size bed that feels woefully empty without a mate by my side, and a half empty dresser. On the far end is a sitting room with a fireplace and shelves upon shelves of books. I like to spend what little free time I have there in an attempt to have some escape from my reality. To the left of the bedroom is the walk-in closet, also half empty, and the en suite bathroom that is large enough to host an entire party in. All of this is too extravagant. It feels so empty and cold.

I turned on the shower and began cleaning myself up for my mate. I have to change my attitude if I ever want her to enjoy my company. Who wants to be mated to a depressed and lonely prince? No one. That's the honest truth.

After finishing up in the shower, I dried and styled my dark brown hair. In my closet I found a navy blue tux. I'd never worn this to any previous mating ball. Maybe it would be my good luck charm.

As I was adjusting my silver cufflinks, I heard Ethan at the door. "Liam, I have your mask for you. I hope silver is okay. The queen picked it out herself."

"A mask? Is this some kind of joke? Are they trying to make it more difficult for me? I just want to find her without any silly nonsense getting in my way." I grumbled.

"Well think of it this way...with the mask on, you'll have less admirers flocking to you, which will in turn make it easier for you to move around and search for your mate," Ethan replied.

He does have a point. The annoyingly clingy shewolves at these events are the main reason why I hate attending them. I have interest in only one girl and that has been the case my entire life. My mate is, was, and always will be the only one for me.

"Yes, I do see your point," I conceded. "The mask will do. Luckily I went with the silver cufflinks. Wouldn't want to clash." I rolled my eyes. They wouldn't let me out the house looking anything but my best.

"What time is it?" I asked Ethan as I was giving myself a final look over in the mirror.

"Erm, six thirty. The ball started half an hour ago. We are running a bit late," he sheepishly replied.

"Ah well, I guess we'll be fashionably late," I grinned. "Let's go then. Maybe it will be a lucky year for the both of us." And with that, I grabbed my mask and headed for the door. I'm going to find you, my mate, even if I must search the ends of the earth for you. I'm coming.

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