Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Quinn POV

'How dare that man think he has the right to invade my privacy this way,' I thought to myself as I stalked back into the ballroom, Liam following closely behind.

'At least he had the guts to confess everything to you,' my wolf offered her unwelcome opinion. 'You might not have forgiven him yet, but I have. It's all on you now.'

I growled at her and picked up my pace, heading straight for the table where Suze and Ethan were now seated. Look at those two so cozy together. They allowed this to happen. Suze set this all up. I couldn't believe her.

I guess my raging mood was apparent to all the nearby partygoers, as every person between me and my destination parted to let me pass. Suze was quick to notice my mood and shoved Ethan off, much to his dismay. She jumped out of her seat and ran to me. I held her at arm's length however.

"You knew the whole time," I seethed.

"Quinn, let me explain," she pleaded.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I cried. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. "You're my sister, Suze, my best friend. We don't keep things from each other."

Suze was getting emotional as well and I could tell it was taking Ethan's full strength not to console her. "It wasn't my place, Quinn. A mate is a special thing between two people. It would have changed things if I told you. I was worried you might have run away. Liam deserved a chance to prove himself to you," she argued.

"Oh he proved himself alright. He proved to me he's a creep and a stalker. Did you know he slept in my bed last night? Without my permission?"

Suze gasped and looked at what must have been Liam behind me. Ethan overheard my declaration and was looking in his direction as well but he appeared to be more disappointed than anything. They're probably talking to each other over mind link.

"Liam...," Suze began. "You did that?"

"Suze, I can explain-" he began but I cut him off.

"You've explained yourself perfectly well already. I told you, I'm going to need my space," I spat in his direction, not meeting his gaze.

"Please, Quinn," I felt his fingers graze the top of my back and the telltale sparks were starting to appear.

"Don't touch me!" I growled. By now my emotions were getting the best of me. I didn't need anything else clouding my vision. I needed to get out of here. "Suze, can we go home? I can't be here anymore."

"Of course, Quinny. We can do whatever you want." Suze gave Ethan an apologetic shrug and he put up his hands in understanding.

Liam had moved from behind me and was now at Ethan's side. "Can I drive you home, girls?" Ethan offered. Suze looked at me, allowing me to be the one who decides. I nodded. I held no grudge against him. Liam seemed to let out a sigh of relief. He really did seem worried about my wellbeing.

'That's because he is worried, dummy,' my wolf chided me.

'Hush, you,' I scolded. 'He is far from my good graces still. I don't want to hear another word from you about the subject. He has a lot of work to do if he even wants to think of coming near me ever again.' She growled lowly and then cut the mindlink. Fine by me if she's irritated. So am I.

I saw Ethan and Liam having a heated discussion. I wonder what they're talking about. Suze had her arm around me and was rubbing my shoulder soothingly. I caught Liam staring at her hand with what appeared to be jealousy.

Finally the two broke apart and Ethan headed in our direction. "Shall we go, ladies?" he asked cheerily.

"Yes, please," I said exasperated. I gave a final glance over my shoulder at Liam. He was standing on the other side of the table watching us leave. He looked so sad. It took everything in me not to run back and comfort him. Stupid mate pull messing with my emotions. I quickly turned around and tried to distract myself. It was more difficult than I'd thought it would be.

Ethan had us wait by the door while he went to get the car. He pulled up a few minutes later in the large SUV that had brought us here. I guess the goons would be traveling back with Liam. At least he was keeping that end of the bargain for now.

Ethan jumped out of the car to hold the passenger door open for Suze. I was relieved she was giving me the backseat to myself. She knows I need to be alone to process everything.

Ethan went to grab the door for me as well but stopped right before he opened it. "Quinn," he started. "I'm so sorry for the poor choices Liam made last night. I wish I could go back and do everything again...but I have to tell you, if I were in his shoes, I would have done the same. I would follow Suze to the ends of the earth. She's my other half. She completes me and in that same way, you complete Liam and he completes you. I really hope you'll give him another chance. He's a great guy and even if you don't agree, he would never do anything to hurt you. He's beating himself up right now for giving into his wolf and causing you any pain or distress. So please, trust me on this."

I didn't have the energy to respond. I simply nodded and he understood that was all he was going to get. He opened the door and I sank into the plush interior. In an hour I would be home and have the chance to get away from all this.

I don't know when it happened but I fell asleep not too long after leaving Midnight Pack's territory. I was woken up by two strong arms lifting me out of the backseat. I blinked my eyes open and was surprised by who it was.

"Dad," I murmured sleepily.

"I'm right here baby girl."

"I love you so much dad," I cried into his chest.

"Shh," he cooed. "You've had a long day. Let's get you to bed."

He carried me into the pack house and up the stairs to my room. It's been years since he's carried me to bed like this. I wasn't going to complain though. I needed his comfort. He softly placed me on my bed and pulled the covers up to my shoulders. He reached down brushing the hair out of my face and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Get some sleep, Quinn. We can talk about everything tomorrow. For now you need rest."

He was right. Tomorrow was a new day. I could deal with everything in the morning. But for now, I only wished for a dreamless sleep. I don't think I'd be able to keep Liam away in my dreams as well.

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