Chapter 58

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Chapter 58

Liam POV

Quinn was just standing there looking confused and furious at the same time. I didn't want to use my alpha command on her but it was the only way to get her to go home with me. I needed her safe. She couldn't stay in Diamond Crescent when there were rogues out there trying to take her away. Not only was she my mate, but she's going to be the queen someday. It's not just me who needs her, it's the whole kingdom. A king without his queen is nothing.

I stood there a moment longer, confused. Why hadn't Quinn moved yet?

"Quinn," I started again, using as much of my alpha command as I could. "Come with me."

I held out my hand for her but she didn't budge. My alpha command wasn't working on her. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I don't love to use it but this is for her safety.

I was starting to lose my patience. "Quinn please," I begged, grabbing her hands in mine. "I need you safe. Please come back with me."

Quinn shut her eyes. I could tell she was having an argument with her wolf.

"Fine," she responded without opening her eyes. "I'll come back to Diamond Crescent but I'm not going to the castle with you. My family needs me."

I decided getting her back to her home was good enough for now. I nodded and seeing me agree, she came willingly.

We met up with Ethan and a very shaken up Suze and made our way back to the territory. Once we passed the border, I could feel Quinn tense up. The metallic smell of blood invaded our senses instantly. There was still a lingering scent of decay as well from the rogues who were taken down by the Diamond Crescent warriors.

Ethan held Suze close to his chest while he whispered calming words in her ear. I looked to Quinn and could see she was in a daze.

We entered the pack house and walked straight to my temporary office. Inside waiting for us was Alpha Tobias, Luna Isabella, Darrell, and Reggie. Quinn and Suze immediately left our sides to go hug their dads. I stiffened at the idea that my mate sought comfort in someone other than me but I tried to calm myself knowing that Darrell had just been in a fight with rogues and Quinn needed to know he was okay.

Alpha Tobias cleared his throat and we all looked in his direction. "Prince Liam, what do you believe our next course of action should be? The attack tonight was unprecedented. We rarely have rogues that dare cross our borders, let alone attack."

"Yes, this was a surprising development to me as well," I admitted.

"Is it possible the rogues heard of your presence in our pack and came for you?" he asked.

"I'm afraid not," I said and looked in Quinn's direction. She still had her head in her dad's chest with tears streaking down her face. "I don't believe the rogues were aware of my presence here before the attack tonight. I believe they came for a different reason."

"What possible reason could that have been?" Luna Isabella piped in. I glanced in her direction before focusing on Quinn. All eyes followed me and I felt my wolf growling at what I was about to say. "I have reason to believe they came to kidnap my mate."

Everyone in the room gasped except Darrell, who just continued to soothe Quinn. She looked up at me with watery eyes. "Why would they want me?" she whimpered.

Darrell looked pained as he turned Quinn to look him in the eyes. "It's my fault, Quinny. For some reason they have it out for me. I don't know why but you're not safe here anymore. Liam promised to keep you safe, away from all of this."

"I'm not leaving you!" Quinn cried. "We're in this together! I'm strong. I can take care of myself. I can take care of my family. I don't need to be protected."

By now Quinn was sobbing uncontrollably. It broke my heart to see her like this.

"Quinn sweetheart," Darrell began. "I know you're strong. You're the strongest person I know. But I also know you were destined for greatness. You're going to be queen someday. Don't you see how much influence you'll have in that role? You can help so many people. Protect the entire kingdom like your family. When I told you I saw great things in your future, it wasn't just you staying at Diamond Crescent worrying about your old man for the rest of your life. I knew you'd be destined for more than this. You, my Quinny, are the most amazing daughter I could ever ask for. You'll be protecting our pack by going with Liam. I promise you, you aren't abandoning anyone. We will sort this out and you'll come back to see us in no time. For now, please listen. I love you so much and I want you to be safe. Go with Liam, sweetheart. He needs you now."

I can't believe Darrell took my side. I know how much Quinn means to him and him allowing me to take her away must be so hard. He cares about her safety though and he knows she'll be safe once she's away from here and under protection of the royal guard.

He caught my eye and gave me a quick nod. I came forward and put my hand on Quinn's shoulder. She turned to me with sad eyes but I could see her resolve. She would come with me but it wasn't what she wanted. She wanted to stay with her family and fight. She felt like a coward running away.

It's incredible how well I knew my mate after only a few days. She means the world to me and I would do anything to keep her safe and happy. I just hope I can manage that because I'm not entirely sure what we're up against.

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