Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Quinn POV

Dad and I pulled up to the pack house at eleven forty-five. I quickly ran upstairs to my room and changed into something more comfortable. This dress wouldn't do for a first shift and I don't want it to get destroyed in the process. I still need to wear it tomorrow for day two of the ball.

I bounded down the stairs two at a time. This was the most excited I'd been in years. Getting my wolf has been something I've been desperately looking forward to. My whole family was waiting for me in the living room. I could tell Reggie was a bit put off that Suze didn't make it back with me. His overprotective father gene was working overtime right about now.

Dad got everyone moving and we headed off to the clearing where he and I had our little one-on-one yesterday. As we stepped into the clearing, I gave dad a smug smirk and he scowled at me. "Not a word," he whispered to me under his breath and gestured towards Reggie. I giggled and nodded in agreement. I'll keep my nose out of their relationship. I wouldn't want my dad to be at a disadvantage if those two ever had a sparring match.

The time was nearing midnight and I could feel myself drawing power from the moon. The reason we shift at midnight is so the moon is at its highest and the moon goddess can supply us with extra power to shift. I went to the center of the clearing just as dad had instructed me. I crouched down to draw all my energy in and slowly extended my arms above my head and stretched up towards the moon. While completing this action, I did my guided breathing. In and out all at the right times. After stretching up as far as I could go, I let my arms slowly fall down to my sides and I bowed my head.

The clock struck midnight and I was ready. I took one final deep breath and my shift began. I could feel it start at the base of my spine. Everything was growing larger and stretching to accommodate my wolf's bigger size. It felt like lava and electricity were coursing through my veins simultaneously.

I continued my breathing. In as I felt calm, out as I felt pain. Within moments the pressure had moved up to the top of my spine and my neck. It was spreading down towards my knees and calves. My body instinctively hunched over as I felt the fur grow from my skin and my face elongated into a snout. And suddenly, everything was calm again.

'Great job, girlie,' I heard someone say in my head.

"Who was that?" I asked out loud.

'Me, stupid. Who did you think it was? I'm your wolf.' the voice replied.

'You're finally here!' I cried out in my mind. 'I've been waiting for you for so long!'

'I've been with you the whole time. Just waiting in the wings taking everything in. You've done a pretty good job taking care of us so far I have to say,' she added. 'I'm proud to be your wolf.'

I got a bit emotional at that comment and was brought back to reality when I felt something nudge my face. I looked to my right and saw dad's wolf right next to me. Behind him were the wolves of the rest of my family along with Reggie and Linda. They were all here to support me in this new phase of my life. I was so happy to be surrounded by everyone that I loved. Almost everyone I guess. I was missing Suze of course but we were all missing mom. She would have been so helpful in this process. She's such a strong, calming presence. I bet I could've shifted even faster with her by my side.

Suddenly I heard a voice in my head, 'Four minutes flat. I think that's a record, Quinny.'

'Dad!' I called back to him in my mind. 'The mind link!'

'Yep, now you'll never be able to get away from me. I'll be stuck with you in your mind forever,' he joked. 'Quinn, what are you doing? Quinn, where are you? Quinn, does this shirt make me look fat?'

I chuckled, 'You know what dad, I wouldn't have it any other way.'

His wolf turned and looked at me and I could see the love in his eyes. I'm sure my eyes reflected the same sentiment. At that moment my dad let out a long, loud howl letting everyone in the pack know I'd successfully completed my shift. All of us joined in, in celebration.

Oliver, Charlie, and Theo were next to approach me in wolf form.

'Hey sis, lookin' pretty badass,' Charlie joked.

'Yeah, troublemaker. I think you're one of the biggest shewolves I've ever seen,' Theo added.

'Hey!' I cried. 'Did you just call me fat?'

Oliver laughed, 'No little sis, he's right. You are pretty big for a shewolf. Must be all that training you and dad do. I've never seen a shewolf as tall or as powerful as you.'

At that moment I tried to look at myself as best I could. My fur was a dark grey with black mixed in and my legs were pretty long. They were right. When looking at all the wolves around me, I was almost as tall as my dad and brothers. I towered over my brothers' mates though. This made my wolf and I proud. We worked so hard to be strong and it paid off. My wolf was able to take in everything I'd done over the years and use it to grow to be a shewolf to be reckoned with.

She started to get anxious in my head and I knew we needed to run. 'Dad,' I called out on the mindlink.

'Yeah, sweetheart?' he responded.

'Wanna race?' I taunted.

'Let's do it,' he replied. 'Full perimeter run.' I saw his wolf get into a starting position and I mimicked him.

'Ready?' I started.

'Set,' he added.

'GO!' I heard Theo cry out in my head as he sprinted past us all.

Dad and I gave each other a look before taking off ourselves. Theo hasn't been around for a while so he doesn't know how fast I've gotten in human form. I think he underestimates me in wolf form. I'll let him have the race for a while until I get used to running on four legs. Once I'm ready though, I'll take him down. This is going to be a fun night after all.

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