Chapter 27

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Sorry I didn't update for a few days.  I was crazy busy and was away from my computer for a couple days.  Thanks for reading!  Please vote and comment if you like the story!

Chapter 27

Quinn POV

While running back to the pack house, I tried to sort out what had just happened at the training facility. Liam is a great fighter. I mean, he's supposed to be in order to maintain such a high rank in the kingdom but I honestly expected him to be all talk, no action. If I'm being honest with myself, I thoroughly enjoyed our sparring match. Aside from his not so subtle advances that is. I can't believe I was able to be drawn into his game so easily. I blame my wolf for that. She just couldn't help letting him get close to us. I'll have to scold her later for that.

I have to admit though, his touch made my whole body come to life in a way I've never experienced before. I felt stronger when he was near. I didn't think having a mate would affect me this way. I know you feel a sense of completeness after finding and mating with your mate but I didn't know they could enhance your innate abilities. That was something I could definitely be interested in. He's so cocky though. He knew he'd have an effect on me and he used that to his advantage. I don't feel like he's playing fair when it comes to my feelings. I told him I need time to sort this out and he went out of his way to try to sway me through cheating. I'm not going to tolerate that.

The one thing that really stuck out though was the way his face lit up when he told me I was an amazing fighter. I know I've heard that before but for some reason when it came from him, it meant so much more. I could tell he was being truthful as well. It must be some weird mate connection but I knew that every word he said in that moment, he truly believed. Which also means he feels lucky to have me as his mate. Could that be true as well? I knew the answer to that question but it just hadn't fully sunk in yet. Maybe I need to give this a chance.

I'd finally reached the pack house and resolved myself to give it some thought later. He's going to be staying here. I'll have lots of time to work out my feelings with him nearby. My wolf yipped at the thought of Liam staying in Diamond Crescent for a while. I have to admit, I'm not upset about the idea either. Although I'm not fully sold on the mate idea yet, it does give me a sense of calm to know he's close.

When I walked through the door, I saw my alpha and luna deep in discussion on the other side of the living room. "There she is!" I heard Luna Isabella call. Alpha Tobias turned around and his eyes landed on me. He looked slightly nervous. That isn't normal for him. I started to worry something happened. Why would they be looking for me though?

I made my way over to them and once I was a few feet away, Luna Isabella gave me a big hug. "Hello my dear. How are you? Where have you been?" Her face scrunched up for a moment taking in my scent. I'd forgotten I was wearing Liam's shirt. His scent was all over it. "Nevermind. I take it you've been off with the prince," she added with a wink.

I rolled my eyes. "I was actually training, luna. The prince offered to be my sparring partner to save his second in command from an embarrassing defeat."

Alpha Tobias's eyes got wide. "You didn't... Please Quinn, tell me you didn't beat up our prince."

"Of course not," I heard from behind me. Liam had entered the room and was headed our way. "Though I will admit, she is the toughest competition I've faced in a long while. I'd love to meet your trainer. He has to be something if he was able to help Quinn reach that level of skill."

My face became hot upon hearing his compliments although they were mainly for my father. I guess he didn't know I came by a lot of it naturally by being the offspring of a highly skilled warrior.

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