Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Liam POV

Anticipation. All I could feel from the moment she walked past me and I caught her scent was desire. I wanted to be near her more than anything else. She seemed so happy. What if I ruined everything for her? I couldn't help myself though.

I stood in the darkness outside the kitchen window and watched their celebratory gathering from my hiding spot. I saw Quinn start to say her goodbyes and ran to see which room was hers. I needed to know where she was at all times. It was the only thing that was keeping me sane.

A light came on on the second floor and I saw her walk past the open window. So tempting. So close. The light switched off almost as soon as it came on.

'Just do it,' I heard my wolf call out to me.

'Do what?' I asked.

'You know you want to go see her,' he answered. 'It would be too easy. The window is open. She wouldn't even know you were there.'

Why did he have to tempt me like this? He was right though. It would be easy. I could just go check on her to make sure she's okay. She really shouldn't be sleeping with the window open like that. It wouldn't take much effort for someone to sneak into her room. With that thought my mind was set. I had to protect her. From what I was protecting her, I wasn't sure but I needed to be near her to know she's safe. My wolf needed it too.

I waited a few more minutes to make sure she was asleep and noiselessly climbed the facade of the building. As I had suspected, it was too easy to reach her open window. It was more than large enough for me to fit through without any issue. I lightly deposited my feet on the wooden floors and looked around the room. The foot of her bed was just to my right and sure enough she was sound asleep.

I took the quiet moment to inspect the rest of her room. The furniture was dark and there weren't many decorations. They were mostly pictures of what seemed to be her family. It was too dark to really make out faces. I didn't look any closer as I wanted to move as little as possible. In a house like this, you never know where a squeaky floorboard might be.

I turned my attention back to the reason why I was here. Quinn was facing the window closest to her bed. The moonlight lit up her face and it was then I was finally able to see her true beauty. This was her. She is the girl from my dreams. There was no doubt in my mind. I'd been seeing her almost every night for over three years. I'd finally found her.

There was a chair next to the bed and I decided to sit down. I couldn't help myself. She was facing towards me and I inspected every inch of her face. Her long, silky chestnut hair was pulled back in a ponytail which curved around the side of her face and rested on her shoulder. It looked so soft, I just wanted to touch it.

With her eyes closed, I could see she had thick, long lashes. They almost touched the tops of her adorable cheeks. I bet she was so beautiful when she smiled. I hadn't had the pleasure of seeing her smile yet. It would feel even better if she was smiling because of me. Because of something I did.

I next looked at her lips. They were so enticing. I wanted to kiss them right in that moment. As I could feel myself becoming aroused at the thought, she shifted and I stilled. This would not be a good way for us to first meet. I waited a few seconds before she settled again. She looked so peaceful.

I subconsciously started to lean in closer. I was only a foot or so away now and her scent was the only thing I could focus on. It was driving me insane. She must have smelled my scent too because I noticed her reach out towards me in her sleep.

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