Chapter 89

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Chapter 89

Quinn POV

I'm clean, packed, and mentally prepared for this trip but Liam isn't back from the meeting yet. I don't know what could possibly be taking them this long. It's almost ten and I'm supposed to be leaving in a half hour.

I keep checking on Liam through the bond but nothing seems out of the ordinary. I know where his office is but I'm not sure where King Silas's office is located in the castle. Who even knows if they're in one of those offices. Maybe they're in a conference room or Seth's office if he evenhas one.

I'm currently pacing the room trying to figure out if I'm going to try and find them or keep waiting here. My wolf is on edge from being away from her mate but she's just going to have to deal with that now won't she? This whole "mole in the castle trying to kill my mate" situation is bigger than me pining to hold Liam's hand for goddess' sake.

I pace for another five minutes before I decide I'm tired of waiting. I'm not a "sit around and wait for a man to come find me" kind of girl. I take action.

As soon as I'm about to reach for the door, there's a soft knock and I catch a scent that I know but I'm not familiar with anymore. I turn the knob and standing in front of me is my mom.

"Mom?" I whisper.

She looks better than when I saw her at the meeting yesterday. I guess a little time spent with your mate after so many years is really therapeutic. That and she's finally off whatever they were drugging those prisoners with. My wolf growled at the thought and I shook my head to rid myself of the thought. She's safe now. No one will ever touch her again.

I pulled my mom into a hug and it truly felt like home. I have to admit, hugging Liam is top of my list but I'd never give him the satisfaction of knowing that.

"I came to see you before you left, darling."

"Oh mom, it's so good to see you," I replied while still holding her tight in my embrace.

She broke the hug to look me over. "I see you've had a busy evening," she murmured as she pushed my hair to the side, getting a clear view of my fresh mark.

My face felt hot at the thought of my mom knowing what Liam and I were doing last night.

"Er," I began but she cut me off.

"I'm so proud of you, Quinn. You've really grown up into such a beautiful young woman, inside and out. I know we haven't had a chance to catch up yet but I applaud you for putting the wellbeing and safety of your people first. We have all the time in the world once you're back."

She paused for a moment before continuing. "Would it be a bother to talk to you for a moment about something important though? I want to get your opinion on something."

"Of course, mom," I hastily replied. "Come in."

I led her to the sitting area and we sat on the couch facing each other. She took a deep breath before telling me what was on her mind. "You trust Liam right?"

Instantly my wolf snarled at the implication that I could possibly not trust Liam. "Of course. I trust him with my life."

"As I thought," my mom mused. "Is there anyone on Liam's staff that you don't trust?"

I thought for a second and the only name that came to mind was Seth. I didn't have a good reason for not trusting him but it was just a gut feeling. I'm not sure what she's getting at though.

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