Chapter 72

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Chapter 72

Liam POV

Cold. All I felt upon waking up was a coldness that spread through my veins. I shivered and reached to pull Quinn into my chest. There was nothing but empty bed though.

My eyes shot open, instantly aware that my mate was no longer at my side. I should have felt her leave. Even asleep, my wolf can sense his mate. If she'd gotten up, my wolf would have noticed. Where could she have gone?

The light in the bathroom is off and her scent is fainter than it usually is when she's in the room as me. She's not here.

I looked at the time and it was just past one in the morning. I'd fallen asleep a little over three hours ago.

"Quinn," I called out, hoping she was on the balcony or somewhere in the room. There was no response.

I tried to contact my wolf, 'Why didn't you notice Quinn got out of bed?'

There was no response from him either. It was like he was asleep. Now I'm really starting to panic. What's happening to me?

I pulled on the first clothes I could find before making the decision to head to Ethan's room. It wasn't far from my wing of the castle. I sniffed the air around me to see if I could catch a fresh scent of Quinn but still there was nothing. The only scent left behind was stale, certainly older than her scent in my room. My heart was racing fast, wondering what could have possibly happened to her.

I was almost regretting going to Ethan before searching for Quinn but it was too late now. I arrived at his room a second later. I know if anyone knows where Quinn is, it would be Suze. I didn't have to knock. Ethan opened the door for me and I burst into the room.

"Suze," I said panting. "Do you know where Quinn is?"

Suze no longer looked tired, she was wide awake, staring at me with wide eyes. "Isn't she with you, Liam?" she asked tentatively. "I haven't seen her since lunch."

"Damn it!" I yelled.

Ethan approached me, "Liam, what's going on? Is Quinn missing?"

I was seething at this point. How had my mate slipped through my fingers? There's no way someone could have slipped into the castle under our noses and gotten away with kidnapping her. Not only was our security top notch, but Quinn herself wouldn't have let it happen. That left only one option and it was something I was most afraid of. Quinn left on her own.

It hurt to even think that because she had just let me mark her. I thought she had finally accepted me. We were doing so well. There's no way she would leave me.

I tried to reach my wolf again but the connection was strained. This was concerning me more and more. If I could reach him, I could use the new connection to talk to Quinn. When I marked her, a mind link was created between us. How is it possible for Quinn to go missing and my wolf to be unreachable at the same time? It's almost like this was planned.

Then it hit me. Quinn isn't stupid. If she wanted to leave, she, of anyone I know, would be able to make it happen. She must have drugged me somehow. As proud as I am of her for being so capable, I can't understand what caused her to leave.

"LIAM," I heard Ethan scream.

My attention was brought back to him. "What??" I growled.

"Goddess, I've been trying to get your attention for ages. What is going on? Do you need me to call the search team?"

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