Chapter 95

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Chapter 95

Quinn POV

I took one final swing and Seth was knocked out cold. Who was he to call the royals weak when I was able to take him down in less than a minute without a scratch on me?

I can't kill him. He needs to answer for his wrongdoings to the king. We'll take him back to the castle as a prisoner to be interrogated and then he can die.

I looked over to the battle and saw they needed my help. I wiped the blood and sweat from my face and ran to action.

I started taking out warriors one by one. There were broken necks, throats ripped out, and bones sticking out all over the place.

I could tell everyone was starting to wear down a bit, but there were still eight warriors left between the six of us. Although I was proud of my family for how well they've fought, I could tell being outnumbered like this was wearing on them. Ethan's shoulder looked dislocated. Suze had a large gash above her eye. Mom was still weak from being locked up for so long. The only two who still looked ready to go were Liam and my dad.

I felt someone creeping up behind me and I quickly grabbed them and threw them over my head before ripping out their throat. Seven more to go.

As we slowly ticked away at the remaining warriors one by one, I was starting to feel like we had a chance at winning this. There were only four left and between Liam, my dad, and I, we could definitely take them down even with our various injuries.

As soon as the last warrior was dead, I leaned down with my hands on my knees to take a deep breath. "We did it," I whispered to myself.

I stood up only to see horrified looks on my family's faces. I turned around to see that Seth had somehow woken up and he had Liam in a chokehold with the knife in his hand. He smiled maniacally and I could see blood staining his teeth.

"You think you've beat me?" he taunted. "I don't need to kill you, silly girl. I have the prince in my clutches now and without him, you're nothing."

"You're right," I agreed as I looked Liam in the eyes. "Without him, I am nothing."

Despite his current predicament, I saw Liam's eyes shine as he felt the truth behind my words.

"What a touching final moment between mates," Seth cackled. "Say goodbye, princess," he growled as he drew the knife back and buried it deep into Liam's side. Liam's eyes bulged as he felt the knife pierce his flesh and then there was blood, so much blood.

Seth dropped him in a heap on the ground and ran off into the forest.

I didn't know what to do. I had to stop Seth but I also needed to save Liam.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and was about to attack when I realized it was my dad. "Go to your mate," he said calmly. "We'll find Seth. You're not alone. We have your back."

I gave him a weak smile before doing just what he said. I don't have to do everything alone anymore. Relying on others only makes me stronger. I am stronger with them by my side.

I slid to the ground next to Liam as my family ran out of sight after Seth. I just hope to the goddess everyone is okay.

"Liam," I called out to him. "Liam, my love, keep your eyes open."

It looked like it took a lot out of him, but he did what I said and looked up into my eyes. "You're an angel, my love," he croaked as he brought his hand up to my face.

"None of that," I chided. "We need to get you back to safety. We're too far out to mind link and you've lost too much blood to shift. I'll need to carry you back."

Before Liam could protest, I'd shifted into my wolf. I crouched down as low as I could before I mind linked him, 'Come on baby, I need you to climb on my back. I know you can do it. You're so strong and I need you. I need you to be with me because I'm nothing without you. You can do it.'

At first he didn't move, but soon I saw him shuffle his body towards my wolf. He grabbed onto the fur on my side and slowly pulled himself up.

'That's it baby, you've got this,' I coached him as he worked his way up. 'I love you so much, Liam. I'm going to make sure you're okay and then we're going to have an amazing life together, you and me. I just need you to be okay. You're going to be okay.'

I don't know if I was telling him or me at this point but whatever I was saying worked and he was finally on my back.

'Hold on tight,' I said before I felt him tighten his hands in my fur.

Once I knew he was secure, I dashed into the woods back the way we came. I knew Liam was still losing a lot of blood because I could feel my fur was wet and matted down with blood.

I pushed myself to run as fast as I could while still keeping Liam safely on my back. He was doing a good job of holding on, though I'm sure it was taking everything in him to do just that.

After what felt like hours, I broke through the tree line only to be hit with a wall of foul smelling blood and decay. I forgot about the rogue army's attack. It appeared as though everything had calmed down here though.

I didn't have time to give it any thought as I raced to the closest door. I needed to get Liam to a healer. I could feel his grip loosening on me and there was now a trail of blood behind me.

I broke through the door and ran straight to the wing where I could find the hospital. That area of the castle was buzzing with noise and movement and I just hoped someone would be able to help my mate.

I finally pushed through the double doors and laid down on the ground. Liam's grip finally gave out and he rolled off my back, unmoving on the cold tiled floor of the hospital.

Everything stopped in that moment. Liam stopped breathing. Everyone stopped moving and talking. And my heart stopped beating.

I quickly shifted back into my human form and threw myself on top of Liam. "No. No! NO!" I shouted as I tried to feel for a pulse but couldn't find one.

"Your highness, you need to step back." I felt someone pull me from behind but I couldn't even think in that moment. Liam, I need him. He can't be dead.

I sobbed and screamed as the nurses put him on a gurney and took him away.

Soft hands placed something on my back. A robe. I swiftly wrapped it around myself and hugged my arms around my stomach as a way to find some form of comfort.

I'm alone. I have no one. I'm alone and I feel so weak.

I couldn't hear anything anyone was saying to me. It was all just buzzing in my ears. All this time I said that I needed to do everything for myself and take care of myself, but now that I'm alone like this, I just want my mate.

He can't be dead. I need him.

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