Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

Liam POV

Quinn's been gone for all of two hours and the only thing I have accomplished is opening my email. I haven't even looked at a single one of the fifty-four emails I've received since arriving at Diamond Crescent. Nothing is calming my wolf and I.

I keep wondering if she's safe or if other wolves are looking at her. The thought makes my wolf growl...again. I have to keep reminding myself that Quinn is not only strong but she is also smart. She won't let anything stupid happen to her.

I settled down for the umpteenth time and forced myself to work. Quinn and Suze will be back in a few hours. I can do this.

Time was passing so slowly. Ethan was in my temporary office right now whining about how he misses Suze. It was driving me absolutely insane. I'd finally started getting work done and now this lovesick puppy was here crying about being away from his mate for five whole hours. It was insufferable.

"Ethan," I called out to him. "Don't you have some work to do? I didn't make you my beta so you could turn into a puddle of mush. Take these files on the recent kidnappings in our outlying packs and call the alphas. I want as much information as possible before the girls come home."

He looked at me like I just kicked his pet dog. "You want me to work? I can barely keep myself from breaking down the doors of that school and dragging Suze back here. I can't focus on anything aside from keeping myself sane right now."

I scoffed, "You're barely sane, Ethan. I am your alpha though and I need you to work." I hated to do this but it was necessary. I busted out my alpha tone. He can't disobey me now. "Ethan, take these files and call the alphas. NOW."

Ethan made a face but did as I asked. His wolf has no way of disobeying my wolf's orders. It's the nature of being in a pack. There's no one (except my father) who can disobey me. I really don't like to use this to my advantage often but Ethan was being so annoying.

I wonder if my alpha tone works on Quinn, I thought to myself briefly.

'I doubt it,' my wolf replied. 'Quinn is our mate. We would never use our alpha tone on her.'

He was right. It would be wrong to order her around. We are meant to be equals. Having her bend to my will only because she has to is not the way to work a successful relationship. I sighed. This not knowing what she's thinking was killing me. I know I said I'd give her a week but damn is this going to be a long week.

I can tell we've made progress. I mean she kissed me today. But I can also tell it's the mate bond that is doing that. She can't deny the fact that we're mates so she's physically attracted to me. I stirred in my seat thinking about Quinn wanting me that way.

The physical attraction won't be enough to get her to accept me though. I know she said she's giving me a chance but that isn't a yes yet. Maybe I'll try to take her out later. We could have a night to ourselves away from the pack. That way she might be more comfortable being herself around me.

With that plan in mind, I found the energy to get back to work. I had a few more phone calls to make to neighboring alphas in order to get to the bottom of what's been happening lately. Something definitely doesn't seem right and I need to make sure I have a handle on it before taking over the crown in a few months.

What felt like hours later, I heard the door shut and the unmistakable voice of my mate quickly followed. I placed down the papers I had been poring over for the past twenty minutes and jumped from the leather chair. My mate was home. I'd missed her so much.

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