A/N #2!

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Hello fellow readers! I know you were expecting the next chapter for some time and I do apologize for that!

You see, I've been really busy lately and my house is pure chaos and I needed some time to myself, not to mention I keep getting myself distracted like drawing or playing Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory.

(The game is really good! Recommend to play it!)

*clears my throat* Anyway, I came to say to everyone that has been reading thus far that I haven't given this story up, or any of them for that matter!

I just been so busy and making sure my new puppy wasn't causing a ruckus, he's 6 months now and filled with energy, I'll try to write more and update this story as soon as I can!

Until then, thank you for being so patient with me and not bomboaring me with comments saying: "please upload soon!"

Thank you for your attention and I hope you have a good day or a wonderful night!

Bye bye!!~

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