Ch.11 Feeding,Reading & Bonding with Dragons pt.2

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Hello there!
I think you all know the drill from here!

Disclaimer: This story belongs to me and has nothing to do with the HTTYD story plot! My story just involves with the HTTYD World and nothing else!!~

P.S. I'm Sorry that I've haven't been updating any stories for the past month and with everything going on, I stopped doing it for a little while. That and Animal Crossing.

Anyways; before we get into the story, there is something that I must say: For those we've lost to what has happened in the world, I have to say(And I mean it with the bottom of my heart) that I care about every single human being on this planet! No one should have to suffer that way like those who are gone. Everyone's lives matter.

Whether they're Black, Hispanic, Asian, White, or whatever race you are. Your lives matter to me. If you see that someone is hurting and no one else does nothing to stop it; speak up for them and others will join in to share that voice.

We all have lives, let's take care of one another, please?

Thank you for reading my message, and please enjoy this chapter!


Normal POV:

Kiki was just watching the small child and the two dragons, she thought for a second that they were having a stalemate. That is until the white dragoness laid her unusual brown eyes at Kiki and they simply stared at one another.

Once they did, they felt that familiar spark surging within them. That familiar feeling from before when they were alone.

Meteora noticed this and looked at the Dragoness. 'Why are you staring at Kiki like that?'

"Kiki? Is that what her name is? And to be honest with myself , young one... I don't know how to explain it, but there's this feeling... Whenever I saw her when you left; I felt this spark, a strange spark course through my body. I even allowed her hand to get close to my nose! I want to get close to her. But at the same time, I do not want to scare her." She explained and took a step back.

Meteora saw this and thought of an idea. 'Hey, you guys wait here. I have an idea.' She said as she noticed nearby from the fish pile there was a lonely medium sized Salmon that was laid forgotten by the others. So with her quiet steps, she made her way to the fish, grabbed it, and walked back to where she was standing while making sure she didn't disturb the other dragons. And by the looks of it, most of them had their fill, all that was leaving was the Monstrous Nightmare who ate 2 more fish and went back to his pen where the others left to do so as well once they finished eating.

Luckily, there was still more fish left for both the Gronckle and HeavenHel's Glass.

Meteora made her way towards Kiki and gently gave her the salmon. The pre-teen looked at her with confusion all over her face. "Why are you giving me this?" She asked.

"I have an idea that might work. I want you to gently give this fish. To her." Meteora replied as she gestured to HeavenHel's Glass. This made Kiki's hair stand on end and turn slightly pale. "What?! N-no way! If I make a wrong move, I'll be burnt to crisp!" She said as she backed up.

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