Ch.21: The New Stranger

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Hello there!
I think you all know the drill from here!

Disclaimer: This story belongs to me and has nothing to do with the HTTYD story plot! My story just involves with the HTTYD World and nothing else!!~

So, Enjoy!~


Stranger's POV:

I smell skinsacks. Their village is a decent way away from here, but I feel the presence of one, maybe two, skinsacks coming closer to my forest ever so often.

This forest is teeming with dragons, so it concerns me that skinsacks have come around here. I must train longer.

I can only trust my brothers and sisters, the dragons who raised me. I need to be able to protect them and myself. That is why I was left to them, I am sure.

I was too weak; but I am no longer. My muscles are tense from climbing the trees. My mind is sharp from finding my favorite camouflaged flightmare in hide and seek.

I am not a skinsack.

I am a child of the dragons.

Normal POV:
(Thor's Day, Haustmánuðr {Haus-Mon-Na-Dor} 9)
{Thursday, October 9th}:

So much has happened throughout the middle and the ending of Tvímánuðr, and it still has many surprises for both Kiki and Meteora.

Everyday they get to know one another in a new perspective and a whole new light.

The day when they finished making the Saddle, they showed it to Fearless. He was acting playful and ran around the cove, trying to avoid the two girls who were running after him with it.

The dragon knew that he was acting foolish, but the way he saw the little hatchling smiling and laughing while she was chasing him, it made him feel better than he did before.

As the days and nights go by, the bond between the Night Fury and the child gets stronger making them become good friends.

Kiki can see this every time she watches those two be together while she is taking a breather or let them have their own space.

She also learned a few things about both of them that she used to her advantage in the Arena and to get closer to her human friend and Alani. For example:

The one day where Meteora added in a harness and a metal clamp so she could stay on Fearless' saddle without the fear of falling or flying out of his back, they tried to get in the air again, but ended up landing on some tall grasses next to the cove.

Meteora recovers and goes to find Fearless while Kiki already did when they're met with the strangest sight:

The dragon was writhing on his back against it, in pure bliss. Both girls grabbed a clump of the very light green grass and examined it. Feeling brave, the small child sniffs it... Only for her to collapse and start humming happily and slowly dragging herself on her back against the grass like Fearless, succumbing into bliss as well.

Kiki laughed at the cute scene and smiled, knowing that this is perfect to use. And so she did, the training was with Boulderskin, she used what she now called it "Dragon's Bliss" against him and he too easily succumbed to the small clump, and to others who watched that day, only saw a small girl easily defeating a Gronkle!

And every new thing she saw Meteora doing to Fearless, she slowly started using it on Meteora, because whenever the small child either scratched him or played with a small light, it somehow worked on her. She found it very cute but also very strange... Then again Meteora was always that mysterious person that you happen to meet on your journey.

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