Ch.8 Dragon Training Pt.2 & Wondering Why?

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Hello there!
I think you all know the drill from here!

Disclaimer: This story belongs to me and has nothing to do with the HTTYD story plot! My story just involves with the HTTYD World and nothing else!!~

So, Enjoy!~


Normal POV:

No one seemed to notice the dazed and distressed child at all while they were either focused on the dragon or the new recruits. Both the dragon and child felt like they were gonna be sick unless the noise stopped. The teens continued hammering their weapons against their shields, the Gronckle shook its head in response to the clatter, making it unable to aim properly.

"Remember one important thing: All dragons have a limited number of shots. How many does a Gronckle have?" Terron asked the recruits while they circled the dragon.

"Five?" Ferguson guessed.

"No, it's six!" Haggis and Kiki corrected in sync as the boy raised his shield while Kiki kept her guard on but stopped banging on her shield. While raising his shield, this made the boy not get back on banging his shield. This snapped both the dragon and Meteora out of their daze and they got their vision back.

"Correct, six! That's more than enough for each of you!" Terron praises the two kids and they looked at one another with surprised faces, and Kiki gave him a small smile. Unknownst to them, the dragon saw the boy not defending himself and smirked widely. "Not defending yourself is a bad move, Skin-sack!" The dragon insulted the boy and fired at him, his shield got blasted from his hand as a result. "Haggis, out." Terron said as he pointed to where the twins were, and the said boy ran off screaming leaving the remaining 4 recruits left, and the Gronckle had four shots left!

All four of them were watching the Gronckle, ready to avoid the blast from the Gronckle at any given time, unfortunately for both Lexi and Kiki as if bad luck had latched onto them like a hungry leech, Ferguson found the opportunity to hit on both of them. "Hey ladies!~ I was thinking; since I'm moving into my parent's basement you two should come by sometime and workout. Looks like both of you workout-" They simply ignored him and saw that the dragon was aiming again and both immediately moved out of the way. Ferguson, being a dunce that he is, didn't notice the attack and the shot from the male dragon hit his shield and the boy got blasted onto his back. "Next time, look out for your opponent your stupid Skin-sack!"

Meteora let out a snort and covered her mouth, finding it very entertaining because not only he was ignored by two people, but he got knocked over by a dragon's attack and the said dragon insulted him. But at the same time: 'I honestly can't believe I'm related to that hothead of a so called "Viking" that he thinks he is.' She thought out loudly and shook her head.

"Keep it up you three! The o'er grown sausage still has some juice in 'im!" Terron encouraged but warned at the same time as the ginger haired twins dragged the dazed out pre-teen to the space of safety.

They all nodded and continued moving around so they won't get hit, Lexi ran off and making sure that she wasn't seen by the dragon. While Caibre and Kiki were out in the open and both of them dodged the attack. "So it's just the three of us?... What should we do?" Kiki asked as she looked around and saw that she was alone and the dragon saw her and fired at her once more, this made Meteora freeze. She thought she told him not to hurt her!.... That's when she realized her mistake. She only said not to hurt the new girl that was standing next to the blonde boy. She didn't specify which one because Lexi was also standing next to him!

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