Ch.17: The Forbidden Bond

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Hello there!
I think you all know the drill from here!

Disclaimer: This story belongs to me and has nothing to do with the HTTYD story plot! My story just involves with the HTTYD World and nothing else!!~

So, Enjoy!~


Soon, at the bottom entrance of the Cove:
Meteora's POV:

I finally made it to the bottom entrance of the cove that I found while my third trip to feed the dragon at night. I poked my head out to see if he was around at this time of the day and I've been using that trail whenever my body was too bruised or I was too hurt to do strenuous tolls, so I didn't want to risk getting caught if I yelped if I lost my footing or I fell to the ground, interrupting the silence surrounding the cove.

Soon I gently tossed my bag to the other side, letting it fall with a squelched sounding thud. I turned my shield towards my chest so it wouldn't get stuck between the two rocks and I looked around to not see anything... So weird.

I looked at my shield and decided not to use it for now, so I let it lean against the rock wall and went to pick up my bag that contained all the fish inside.

I soon slowly and carefully walked forward. My ears concentrating on every little sound and my eyes were wide open so I wouldn't miss a thing. Then, I heard claws against rocks to my left, I slowly turned and let out a soft gasp as I hugged the bag closer to my chest and backed up two steps. It was him! The Night Fury!

'It's the Skin-sack again... This little skin-sack is bold... Yet foolish at the same time...'

I heard his thoughts loud and clear and that hurt my heart as he said that, but I refused to show it. I didn't want to give him the wrong idea or anything. Last time I saw him at a close distance was when I was setting him free... Now it's different, he's standing and free from the ropes that were confiding him to the ground. He looked and I didn't see any other injuries on him so I guess that gave me some relief that he's doing okay. That doesn't mean I forgive myself for shooting him down that night in the first place.

"H-hi again...." I said softly as I gently watched him get down from the rock, slowly walk a few meters away from me and sniffed the air before growling in a warning. "Why is she here?... I smell fish.... Has she... brought something for me?...No, it cannot be this easy. There has to be some sort of trick taking place..."

I opened my mouth, but I didn't know what to say... But I had to try... I don't want to be a coward in front of him! Not anymore! "I..I have brought something for you, and I don't know why, but... I can hear and understand you perfectly." I started as I looked at him and readjusted the bag in my arms. His ear flaps lifted in the air as he looked at me in shock.

"You... can? That's strange... very unheard of."

I sighed softly and gently, yet carefully, opened the bag and dumped all of the fish in the ground, but not without grabbing one Icelandic Cod, got in front of the pile of fish and offered the first fish to him, arms out and the fish was just lying in my hands. "Here. I bet you're really hungry." I offered gently and looked at him.

It was just silence and I felt my heartbeat beating at a slight faster pace than it should be as I stared at him, his form was in a defensive stance, almost ready to attack at any given moment. But it soon went back to a normal rate when he stopped and just sat there with curious eyes, not angry and suspicious from before. "So... This is a peace offering? You're not going to hurt me?"

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